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440    Part 4   •  Leading

                  1.  D. L. Berchelmann, “You’re Doing   “Business-Speak,”  Training  and   app-is-getting-perso,  June  3,   39.  S. Castellano, “The Social Media
                    It Wrong,” https://texasceomagazine   Development  (January 2002):   2015; M. Ravindranath, “Slack   Skills Gap,” T&D, July 2014, 14.
                    .com/departments/leadership-   50–52.                Takes on Internal Communication    40.  J. S. Brown and P. Duguid, “Bal-
                    feedback/, December 13, 2014.   18.  J. Langdon, “Differences between   for Small  Teams and Startups,”   ancing  Act: How to Capture
                  2.  D. K. Berlo, The Process of Com-  Males and Females at Work,” USA  Knowledge without Killing It,”
                    munication (New York: Holt, Rine-  Today, (Febru-  business/on-it/slack-takes-on-   Harvard Business Review, May–
                    hart & Winston, 1960), 30–32.  ary 5, 2001); J. Manion, “He Said,   internal-communication-for-small-  June 2000, 73–80; and J. Torsilieri
                  3.  Ibid., 54.              She Said,”  Materials Manage-  teams-and-start-ups/2014/11/01/  and C. Lucier, “How to Change
                  4.  See, for instance, “Get the Mes-  ment in Health Care, November   ab1ad5b4-5eed-11e4-8b9e-   the World,” Strategy and Business,
                    sage: Communication Is Key in   1998, 52–62; G. Franzwa and C.   2ccdac31a031_story.html,   October 2000, 17–20.
                    Managing Change within Or-  Lockhart, “The Social Origins     November 2, 2014; and G. Colvin,    41.  J. Scanlon, “Woman of Sub-
                    ganizations—Yet Ensuring Its   and Maintenance of Gender Com-  “Brave New Work: The Office of   stance,” Wired, July 2002, 27.
                    Effectiveness at  Times of High   munication  Styles,  Personality   Tomorrow,”  Fortune, January 16,   42. H.  Dolezalek,  “Collaborating
                    Concerns Can Be  Tricky,”  Em-  Types, and Grid-Group  Theory,”   2012, 49+.    in Cyberspace,”  Training (April
                    ployee Benefits, February 2002,   Sociological Perspectives 41, no. 1    28.  SmartPulse, “Do You Use Emerg-  2003): 33.
                    58–60.                    (1998): 185–208; and D. Tannen,   ing  Mobile Technology . . . To  Im-   43.  B.  A. Gutek, M. Groth, and B.
                  5.  Ibid., 103.             Talking From 9 to 5: Women and   prove  Your Communication with   Cherry, “Achieving Service Suc-
                  6.  L. R. Birkner and R. K. Birkner,   Men in the Workplace (New York:   Your Employees?” Smart Brief on   cess through Relationship and
                    “Communication Feedback: Put-  Avon Books, 1995).    Exec Tech,   Enhanced  Encounters,”  Acad-
                    ting It All Together,” Occupational    19.  See, for example, M. K. Kozan,   exectech, February 22, 2015.  emy of Management Executive,
                    Hazards, August 2001, 9.  “Subcultures and Conflict Man-   29.  H.  Tsukayama,  “Everything  You     November 2002, 132–44.
                  7.  L. Hilton, “They Heard It through   agement Styles,” Management In-  Need to Know about Google    44.  R. C. Ford and C. P. Heaton, “Les-
                    the Grapevine,”  South Florida   ternational Review, January 2002,   Glass,”,   sons from Hospitality  That Can
                    Business Journal, August  18,   89–106.              February 27, 2014.         Serve Anyone,”  Organizational
                    2000, 53.               20.  A.  Mehrabian, “Communication    30.  S. Luh, “Pulse Lunches at Asian   Dynamics, Summer 2001, 30–47.
                  8.  From the Past to the Present box   without Words,”  Psychology To-  Citibanks Feed  Workers’ Morale,    45.  M.  J.  Bitner,  B.  H.  Booms,  and
                    based on S. Baker, “Putting a Price   day, September 1968, 53–55.  Lower Job Turnover,” Wall Street   L.  A. Mohr, “Critical Service
                    on Social Connections,” Business-   21.  See also W. L. Adair, T. Okumura,   Journal, May 22, 2001, B11.   Encounters:   The   Employee’s
                    Week Online, April 8, 2009; and   and J. M. Brett, “Negotiation Be-   31.  S. Shellenbager, “Backlash against   Viewpoint,” Journal of Marketing
                    K. Davis, “Management Commu-  havior when Cultures Collide: The   Email Builds,”  Wall Street Jour-  (October 1994): 95–106.
                    nication and the Grapevine,” Har-  United States and Japan,”  Jour-  nal, April 29, 2010, D6.   46.  S. D. Pugh, J. Dietz, J.  W.  Wi-
                    vard Business Review, September–  nal of  Applied Psychology (June    32.  H. Green, “The  Water Cooler Is   ley, and S. M. Brooks, “Driving
                    October 1953, 43–49.      2001): 371.                Now on the Web,” BusinessWeek,   Service Effectiveness through
                  9.  L.  Talley, “Body Language:    22.  C.  H.  Tinsley, “How Negotiators   October 1, 2007, 78–79.  Employee-Customer Linkages,”
                    Read It or  Weep,”  HR Maga-  Get to Yes: Predicting the Constel-   33. The  Associated Press, “Whole   Academy of Management Execu-
                    zine, July 2010, 64–65; and M.   lation  of Strategies Used across   Foods Chief  Apologizes for   tive, November 2002, 73–84.
                    Fulfer, “Nonverbal Communica-  Cultures to Negotiate Conflict,”   Posts,”  New York  Times  Online,    47.  J. Mahler, “Who Spewed  That
                    tion: How to Read  What’s Plain   Journal of  Applied Psychology   July 18, 2007; E. White, J. S. Lub-  Abuse? Anonymous Yik Yak App
                    as  the  Nose . . . Or  Eyelid . . . Or   (August 2001): 583.  lin, and D. Kesmodel, “Executives   Isn’t Telling,”  New York  Times
                    Chin . . . On  Their  Faces,”  Jour-   23.  See, for instance, S. P. Robbins   Get the Blogging Bug,” Wall Street   Online, March 8, 2015; L. Gell-
                    nal of Occupational Excellence   and P. L. Hunsaker,  Training in   Journal, July 13, 2007, B1+; C.   man, “App Lets  Workers  Vent
                    (Spring 2001): 19–38.     Interpersonal Skills, 4th ed. (Up-  Alldred,  “U.K.  Libel  Case  Slows   Anonymously,”  Wall Street Jour-
                 10.  Ibid.; and T. Fernsler, “The Secrets   per Saddle River, NJ: Prentice   E-Mail Delivery,” Business Insur-  nal, January 21, 2015, B7; and K.
                    and  Science  of  Body Language,”   Hall,  2006);  M. Young  and  J.  E.   ance, August 4, 1997, 51–53; and   Whitehouse, “Workplace Gossip
                    Nonprofit World, 25.      Post, “Managing to Communicate,   T. Lewin, “Chevron Settles Sexual   App Draws Ire from Firms,” USA
                 11.  P. Mornell, “The Sounds of Si-  Communicating to Manage: How   Harassment Charges,”  New York   Today, January 19, 2015, 3B.
                    lence,” Inc., February 2001, 117.  Leading Companies Communicate   Times Online, February 22, 1995.   48.  J. Ewing, “Nokia: Bring on the
                 12.  A. Warfield, “Do You Speak Body   with  Employees,”  Organizational    34.  J. Eckberg, “E-mail: Messages   Employee Rants,”  BusinessWeek,
                    Language?”  Training and Devel-  Dynamics, Summer 1993, 31–43;   Are Evidence,”  Cincinnati En-  June 22, 2009, 50.
                    opment (April 2001): 60.  J.  A.  DeVito,  The  Interpersonal   quirer, (July    49.  S. Vozza, “5 Things Your Employ-
                 13.  S. Begley, “I Can’t Think,” News-  Communication Book, 6th ed.   27, 2004).   ees  Wish They  Could Tell You,”
                    week, March 7, 2011, 28–33; D.   (New York: HarperCollins, 1992);    35.  M. Scott, “Worker E-Mail and
                    Dean and  C.  Webb, “Recover-  and A. G. Athos and J. J. Gabarro,   Blog Misuse Seen as Growing   3045282/hit-the-ground-running/
                    ing from Information Overload,”   Interpersonal Behavior (Upper   Risk for Companies,”  Workforce   5-things-your-employees-wish-
                    McKinsey Quarterly, Issue 1,   Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,   Management,   they-could-tell-you, April   27,
                    2011, 80–88; and “Information   1978).               (July 20, 2007).           2015.
                    Overload,”  Australian  Business    24.  See, for example, R. R. Panko,    36.  K. Byron, “Carrying  Too Heavy    50.  J. V. Thill and C. L. Bovee, Excel-
                    Intelligence, April 16, 2002.  Business Data Networks and   a Load? The Communication and   lence in Business Communication,
                 14.  S. I. Hayakawa,  Language in   Communications, 4th ed. (Upper   Miscommunication of Emotion by   9th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ:
                    Thought  and Action  (New  York:   Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,   Email,” Academy of Management   Prentice Hall, 2011), 24–25.
                    Harcourt  Brace  Jovanovich,  2003).                 Review, April 2008, 309–27.   51.  Ibid.
                    1949), 292.             25.  “Virtual Paper Cuts,”  Workforce,    37.  J. Marquez, “Virtual Work Spaces    52.  Ibid.
                 15.  SmartPulse, “How Prevalent Is   July 2000, 16–18.  Ease Collaboration, Debate among    53.  Ibid.
                    the Use of Buzzwords in  Your    26.  See, for instance,  A. Cohen,   Scattered Employees,”  Workforce    54.  Ibid.
                    Organization?” Smart Brief on   “Wireless Summer,”  Time, May   Management, May 22, 2006, 38;    55.  Based on K. J. Murphy, Effective
                    Leadership,   29, 2000, 58–65; and K. Hafner,   and M. Conlin, “E-Mail Is So Five   Listening (New  York: Bantam
                    leadership, July 29, 2014.  “For the Well Connected, All the   Minutes Ago,” BusinessWeek, No-  Books, 1987); and  T. Drollinger,
                 16.  “Jargon Leaves Us Lost for   World’s an Office,”  New York   vember 28, 2005, 111–12.  L. B. Comer, and P. T. Warrington,
                    Words,”  Australian Business In-  Times, March 30, 2000, D1.   38.  H. Green, “The  Water Cooler Is   “Development and  Validation of
                    telligence,  August 23, 2002; and    27.  S. Kessler, “Slack with Friends,   Now on the Web”; E. Frauenheim,   the  Active Empathetic Listening
                    W. S. Mossberg, “A Guide to the   Lovers and Geeks: How the Hot   “Starbucks Employees Carve Out   Scale,”  Psychology & Marketing,
                    Lingo  You’ll  Want to Learn for   Workplace  App Is Getting Per-  Own ‘Space,’”  Workforce Man-  February 2006, 161–80.
                    Wireless Technology,” Wall Street   sonal,”  http://www.fastcompany   agement, October 22, 2007, 32;    56.  Twitter Usage, Company Facts,
                    Journal, March 28, 2002, B1.  .com/3046889/tech-forecast/  and S. H. Wildstrom, “Harnessing
                 17.  “Gobbledygook  Begone,”  Work-  slack-with-friends-lovers-and-  Social Networks,”  BusinessWeek,   company,  March  31, 2015;  E.
                    force, February 2002, 12; and   geeks-how-the-hot-workplace-  April 23, 2007, 20.  Sherman, “Many  Twitter  Users
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