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CHAPTER 13 • Managing Communication and Information 441
Don’t Tweet, Finds Report,” http:// Everything,” BusinessWeek On- 9, 2013; T. Provost, “Long Live 60. E. Reynolds, “How Facebook could line, September 4, 2009; S. John- E-Mail,” CFO, January/February cost you your job! One in five
twitter-users-dont-tweet-finds- son, “How Twitter Will Change 2013, 29; M. V. Rafter, “Too Much bosses has rejected a job applicant
report/, April 14, 2014; R. W. the Way We Live,” Time, June 15, Email on the Menu? Here Are Five after checking out their profile on
Ahrens, “Tweets Per Day,” USA 2009, 30–37; J. Swartz, “A World Tips to Curb Company Consump- social media sites,” Mail Online,
Today, March 20, 2013, 2A; M. That’s All a-Twitter,” USA Today, tion,” Workforce Management On-
Lopresti, “Elimination by Twit- May 26, 2009, 1B+; and K. White- line, April 24, 2012; M. V. Rafter, article-2115927/How-Facebook-
ter,” USA Today, July 26, 2012, side, “College Coaches Are Chirp- “If Tim Fry Has His Way, He’ll cost-job-One-applicants-rejected-
1C; K. Paulson, “College Athlete ing about Twitter!” USA Today, Eradicate Email for Good,” Work- bosses-check-profiles-social-
Tweet Ban? Free Speech Sacks April 29, 2009, 1C+. force Management Online, April media-sites.html, March 16, 2012;
That Idea,” USA Today, April 16, 57. G. Schroeder, “Coaches Using 24, 2012; M. A. Field, “Turning J. Beattie, “Staff at popular East
2012, 9A; L. East, “Les Miles’ Twitter from Recruiting Trail,” Off Email, Turning Up Productiv- Belfast restaurant claim they were
Tweets Entertain CWS Fans,” USA Today, February 2, 2015, 10C. ity,” Workforce Management On- told they’d lost their job via Face-, July 12, 58. K. Whiteside, “Sochi-al Media’s line, February 29, 2012; “Internet book,” Belfast Live, http://www
2012; P. Thamel, “Tracking Twit- Golden Moment,” USA Today, 2011 in Numbers,” royalpingdom.
ter, Raising Red Flags,” New York February 11, 2014, 1A+. com, January 17, 2012; “Should news/staff-popular-east-belfast-
Times Online, March 30, 2012; 59. M. Nalsky, “How Quitting Email Workplaces Curtail Email?” New restaurant-10210444, October 6,
L. Dugan, “Twitter to Surpass Helped My Company Commu- York Times Online, December 7, 2015.
500 Million Registered Users on nicate Better,” http://thenextweb 2011; W. Powers, “The Phony ‘Zero 61. E. Simpson, “Wm Morrison Super-
Wednesday,” www.mediabistro .com/entrepreneur/2014/11/09/ Email’ Alarm,” New York Times On- market Suffers Payroll Data Theft,”
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“Companies Tracking College team-communicate-better/, “What We Would Miss,” New York 14, 2014; J. Davey, “UK grocer
Athletes’ Tweets, Facebook Posts November 9, 2014; M. Pro- Times Online, December 5, 2011; P. Morrisons suffers payroll data theft,”
Go After Local Universities,” kopeak, “What If Email Duncan, “Break Bad Habits,” New Reuters,
Washington Post Online, October Got Pantsed?” www.workforce York Times Online, December 5, uk-morrisons-data-theft-idUK-
16, 2011; D. Rovell, “Coaches .com, October 14, 2013; C. Brown, 2011; N. Carr, “Put the Cost Back BREA2D0O020140314, March
Ban of Twitter Proves College A. Killick, and K. Renaud, “To Re- in Communication,” New York Times 14, 2014; H. Gye, “Payroll details
Sports Isn’t about Education,” duce E-mail, Start at the Top,” Har- Online, December 5, 2011; and P. of 100,000 Morrisons staff includ-
CNBC Sports Business Online, vard Business Review, September Allen, “One of the Biggest Informa- ing bank account numbers leaked
August 8, 2011; Staff of Corporate 2013, 26; J. Wortham, “When E- tion Technology Companies in the by insider and published on the
Executive Board, “Corporate Con- Mail Turns from Delight to Deluge,” World to Abolish E-mails,” www web,” Mail Online, www.dailymail
fidential: How Twitter Changes New York Times Online, February, November 30, 2011., March 14, 2014.