Page 469 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 469

468    Part 5   •  Controlling
                CaSe aPPliCation 2

                If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Don’t Say Anything at All

                      ontrolling employee performance is a vitally important   their future with the organization. These “career outlook” dis-
                      responsibility of managers. After all, it’s your employ-  cussions focus more on where an employee fits in, rather than
                Cees who are working to accomplish established goals,   on where they screwed up. The company also encourages its
                and you want to see that those goals are being accomplished   staff to send shout-outs via e-cards praising colleagues or sub-
                as  planned.  So  wouldn’t  it  seem  that  managing  employees’   ordinates for work done. Managers have also allocated money
                performance would cover the good and the not-so-good? Well,   to further reward positive accomplishments.
                some organizations are encouraging managers to lighten up on   But there are companies not following this positivism
                the harsh feedback and focus only on the positive. 59  trend. These companies take a more “tough-love” approach
                    At consulting firm the Boston Consulting Group, man-  and don’t shy away from giving negative feedback. For in-
                agers now frequently praise  employees, encourage  them to   stance, at Netflix, CEO Reed Hasting’s view is that they’re a
                  celebrate even small victories,                                               “pro sports team, not a Little
                and conduct performance re-     No Negativism Allowed!                          League squad,” noting that
                views focusing on an individ-                                                   “adequate performance gets a
                ual employee’s strengths in-                                                    generous severance package.”
                stead of any mistakes that may have happened. And managers   Not everyone in the company is going to get a trophy. There’s
                are to bring up only one or two areas that require improvement   little doubt as to what that company’s performance expecta-
                and development. It never used to be this way. When employ-  tions are.
                ees didn’t do a good job with a client’s assignment, managers
                would focus on what went wrong and where and how the em-  Discussion Questions
                ployee needed to improve and develop his or her skills. This
                shift towards more positive feedback occurred after the com-  14-18   Is controlling employee performance an important responsi-
                                                                            bility of managers? Discuss.
                pany noticed some employees leaving the company and other   14-19  Why should managers focus on positive feedback?
                employees who were still upset for a period of time after a
                negative performance review. And BCG isn’t the only company   14-20   What are the risks associated with providing employees only
                                                                            positive feedback and providing limited feedback on areas of
                taking this approach. Others are increasing the use of positive   improvement?
                feedback and minimizing any discussion of the areas that need   14-21   Where would you be more comfortable? An organization with
                improvement. At PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, for instance,   a performance review approach more like the Boston Consult-
                managers are asked to have discussions with employees about   ing Group or more like Netflix? Why?

                CaSe aPPliCation 3

                Too Relaxed

                       s yoga classes gained in popularity, one company that   Lululemon was  founded by Dennis (Chip) Wilson,  who
                       had benefited greatly was Lululemon. In fact, at one   had noticed in his yoga class that other students’ yoga pants
                Apoint, it was on Fortune’s Fastest-Growing Companies   became see-through when they bent over after class to roll up
                List three years in a row. Company executives had positioned   their mats. Having just sold his surf/skateboard/snowboard
                the company as a lifestyle brand and customers were hooked   clothing company, he sensed an opportunity to pair his ex-
                and loyal. Then, a rare stumble happened. The company had   pertise in “technical” athletic wear with the surging demand
                to recall a large batch of its signature black “Luon” yoga pants   by yoga enthusiasts.  What he developed was revolutionary!
                because the fabric was too sheer. 60                  Instead of following what others had done—essentially cutting
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