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470    Part 5   •  Controlling

                  1.  “Domino’s Delivered Free Piz-  29,  2003,  R1–R8;  P.  Magnusson,   Data Went  out Wireless  Door,”   Ingram,  “Performance Monitor-
                    zas,” Springfield, Missouri News-  “Your Jitters Are Their Lifeblood,”   Wall Street Journal, May 4, 2007,   ing:  Guidance for the  Modern
                    Leader, April 3, 2009, p. 3B.  Business Week, April 14, 2003, 41;   A1+; and B. Stone, “Firms Fret   Workplace,” Supervision, January
                  2.  H. Peterson, “Target  Workers   and T. Purdum, “Preparing for the   as Office E-Mail Jumps Security   2011, 16–22;  T. Harbert, “When
                    Claim  ‘Walk  of  Shame’  That   Worst,”  Industry Week, January   Walls,”  New York  Times  Online,   IT Is Asked to Spy”; D. Searcey,
                    Allegedly Led to a Suicide Is   2003, 53–55.         January 11, 2007.          “Employers  Watching  Workers
                    a  Widespread Practice,” http://   13.  A. Dalton, “Rapid Recovery,” In-   25.  SmartPulse, “How  Well Do   Online Spurs Privacy Debate,”
            dustry Week, March 2005, 70–71.  You Give Difficult Feedback?”   Wall Street Journal, April  23,
                    workers-claim-walk-of-shame-   14.  B. Nelson, “Long-Distance Rec-  Smart  Brief on Leadership,   2009, A13; D. Darlin, “Software
                    is-widespread-2015-2, February   ognition,”   Workforce,  August,   That Monitors Your Work, Wher-
                    6,  2015; H.  Peterson,  “Target   2000, 50–52.        December 3, 2014.        ever You  Are,”  New York  Times
                    Cashier Jumped to His Death    15.  D.  Auerbach,  “Watch  for  Work-   26.  E. R. Iselin, J. Sands, and L. Mia,   Online, April 12, 2009; S. Boehle,
                    after Managers  Allegedly Sub-  place  Productivity  Killers,”  “Multi-Perspective Performance   “They’re  Watching You,”  Train-
                    jected Him to ‘Walk of Shame,’”   Springfield, Missouri, News-Lead-  Reporting Systems, Continuous   ing (September 2008): 23+; S.
            er, July 13, 2014, 1G.  Improvement Systems, and Orga-  Shellenbarger, “Work at Home?
                    mother-blames-target-for-sons-   16.  S. Kerr, “On the Folly of Re-  nizational  Performance,”  Journal   Your Employer May Be Watching
                    suicide-2015-1, January 27, 2015;   warding A, While Hoping for B,”   of General Management (Spring   You,” Wall Street Journal, July 30,
                    and ABC7  News  Staff,  “Lawsuit   Academy of Management Journal   2011): 19–36; L. Elmore, “The   2008, D1+; J. Jusko, “A Watchful
                    Claims Pasadena  Target Em-  (December 1975): 769–83; and   Balanced Business,”  Women in   Eye,” Industry Week, May 7, 2001,
                    ployee Committed Suicide after   N. F. Piercy, D.  W. Cravens, N.   Business, Spring 2011, 14–16; D.   9; “Big Brother Boss,” U.S. News
                    Being Shamed,”  Lane, and D. W. Vorhies, “Driv-  Agostino and M. Arnaboldi, “How   and World Report, April 30, 2001,
                    news/lawsuit-pasadena-target-  ing Organizational Citizenship   the BSC Implementation Process   12; and L. Guernsey, “You’ve Got
                    employee-killed-self-after-being-  Behaviors and Salesperson In-  Shapes Its Outcome,”  Interna-  Inappropriate E-Mail,”  New York
                    shamed/488247/,  January  23,  Role Behavior Performance: The   tional Journal of Productivity &   Times, April 5, 2000, C1+.
                    2015.                     Role of Management Control and   Performance Management (Janu-   31.  A. R. Carey and P. Trap, “Wasting
                  3.  B. Hagenbaugh, “State Quarters   Perceived Organizational Sup-  ary 2011): 99–114; R. S. Kaplan   Work Time Online?” USA Today,
                    Extra Leaf Grew Out of Lunch   port,” Journal of the Academy of   and D. P. Norton, “How to Imple-  October 18, 2014, 1A.
                    Break,”  USA Today, January 20,   Marketing Science (Spring 2006):   ment a New Strategy without    32.  “2007 Electronic Monitoring &
                    2006, 1B.                 244–62.                    Disrupting  Your  Organization,”   Surveillance Survey,”  American
                  4.  D. E. Sanger and J. H. Davis,    17.  From the Past to the Present box   Harvard Business Review, March   Management Association,  www
                    “Data Breach Linked to China Ex-  based on H. Min and H. Min,   2006, 100–09; L. Bassi and D.
                    poses Millions of Workers,”  New   “Benchmarking the Service Qual-  McMurrer, “Developing Measure-   33.  S.  Armour, “Companies Keep an
                    York Times Online, June 4, 2015.  ity of Fast-Food Restaurant Fran-  ment Systems for Managers in the   Eye on  Workers’ Internet Use,”
                  5.  J. R. Emshwiller, “Managers   chises  in the USA,”  Benchmark-  Knowledge Era,”  Organizational   USA Today, February 21, 2006, 2B.
                    Blamed in Nuclear Leak,”  Wall   ing:  An International Journal   Dynamics, May 2005, 185–96;    34.  B.  White,  “The  New Workplace
                    Street Journal, April 25, 2014, A6.  (April 2011): 282–300; R. Pear,   G. M. J. DeKoning, “Making the   Rules: No Video-Watching,” Wall
                 6. Reuters,  “McDonald’s  Japan  “A.M.A. to Develop Measure of   Balanced Scorecard  Work (Part   Street Journal, March 4, 2008,
                    Apologizes after  Tooth, Plastic   Quality  of Medical  Care,”  New   1),”  Gallup Brain, www.brain   B1+.
                    Found in Food,”  New York Times   York Times  Online, February 21, (July 8, 2004); G. M.    35.  Ibid.
                    Online, January 7, 2015.  2006; and A. Taylor III, “Double   J.  DeKoning,  “Making  the  Bal-   36.  N. Lugaresi, “Electronic Privacy
                  7.  M.  Murphy  and  S.  Chaudhuri,   Duty,”  Fortune,  March 7,  2005,   anced Scorecard  Work (Part 2),”   in  the Workplace:  Transparency
                    “Carnival to Step Up Maintenance   104–10; C. Bogan and D. Cal-  Gallup Brain,   and Responsibility,” Internation-
                    after Mishaps,”  Wall Street Jour-  lahan, “Benchmarking in Rapid   .com (August 12, 2004); K. Gra-  al Review of Law, Computers, &
                    nal, March 16–17, 2013, B3.  Time,”  Industrial  Management,   ham, “Balanced Scorecard,”  New   Technology, July 2010, 163–73;
                  8.  E. A. Harris, “Error Creates Deals   March–April 2001, 28–33; and   Zealand  Management, March   P.-W.  Tam,  E. White,  N. Wing-
                    Too Good to Be True on Walmart’s   L.  D.  McNary,  “Thinking  about   2003, 32–34; K. Ellis, “A Ticket to   field,  and  K. Maher,  “Snooping
                    Site,” New York Times Online, No-  Excellence and Benchmarking,”   Ride: Balanced Scorecard,” Train-  E-Mail by Software Is Now a
                    vember 6, 2013.           Journal for Quality and Participa-  ing (April 2001): 50; and T. Leahy,   Workplace Norm,”  Wall Street
                  9.  C. Timberlake, R. Dudley, and C.   tion (July–August 1994).  “Tailoring the Balanced Score-  Journal, March 9, 2005, B1+;
                    Burritt, “Don’t Even Think about    18.  H. Koontz and R.  W. Bradspies,   card,”  Business Finance, August   D. Hawkins, “Lawsuits Spur
                    Returning This Dress,” Bloomberg   “Managing through Feedforward   2000, 53–56.  Rise in Employee Monitoring,”
                    BusinessWeek, September 30–Oc-  Control,” Business Horizons, June    27.  W. H. Newman,  Constructive   U.S. News & World Report, Au-
                    tober 6, 2013, 29–31.     1972, 25–36.               Control: Design and Use of Con-  gust 13, 2001, 53; and L. Guern-
                 10.  B. Horovitz, “Gross Photo with    19.  M. Helft, “The Human Hands be-  trol Systems (Upper Saddle River,   sey, “You’ve Got Inappropriate
                    Wendy’s Frosty Is Latest to Go   hind the Google Money Machine,”   NJ: Prentice Hall, 1975), 33.  Mail,”  New York Times, April  5,
                    Viral,”  USA  Today, June  14,   New York  Times  Online, June 2,    28.  J.  Yaukey and C. L. Romero,   2000, C1+.
                    2013, 2B; and S. Clifford, “Video   2008.              “Arizona Firm Pays Big for    37.  S.  Armour, “More Companies
                    Prank at Domino’s Taints Brand,”    20.  J.  Yang and S. Music, “Micro-  Workers’  Digital Downloads,”   Keep Track of Workers’ E-Mail,”
                    New York Times Online, April 16,   managing,” USA Today, August 8,   Associated  Press,  Springfield,   USA Today, June 13, 2005, 4B;
                    2009.                     2014, 1B.                  Missouri, News-Leader, May 6,   and E. Bott, “Are You Safe? Pri-
                 11.  SmartPulse, “Where Does the    21.  B. Caulfield, “Shoot to Kill,”   2002, 6B.  vacy Special Report,” PC Comput-
                    Biggest  Threat to  Your Orga-  Forbes, January 7, 2008, 92–96.   29.  Information  on  Hoovers On-  ing, March 2000, 87–88.
                    nizations Come From?” www    22.  T. Laseter and L. Laseter, “See   line,  (June   38.  A. M. Bell and D. M. Smith,
          , May   for Yourself,”  Strategy+Business,   17, 2011); and N. Shirouzu and   “Theft and Fraud May Be an In-
                    12, 2015.        (No-  J. Bigness, “7-Eleven Operators   side Job,” Workforce Online, www
                 12.  J. F.  Van Niekerk and R.  Von   vember 29, 2007).  Resist System to Monitor Manag- (December 3,
                    Solms,  “Information Security    23.  2015 Data Breach Investi-  ers,” Wall Street Journal, June 16,   2000).
                    Culture: A Management Perspec-  gations  Report,  http://www   1997, B1.     39.  C. C. Verschoor, “New Evidence
                    tive,”  Computers & Security,    30.  Technology and the Manager’s   of Benefits from Effective Ethics
                    June 2010, 476–86; T. Vinas and   2015/, May 31, 2015.  Job box based on C. A. Ciocchetti,   Systems,” Strategic Finance, May
                    J. Jusko “5  Threats  That Could    24.  B. Grow, K. Epstein, and C.-C.   “The Eavesdropping Employer:   2003, 20–21; and E. Krell, “Will
                    Sink Your  Company,”  Industry   Tschang, “The New E-Spionage   A Twenty-First-Framework  for   Forensic  Accounting Go Main-
                    Week, September 2004, 52–61;   Threat,” Business Week, April 21,   Employee Monitoring,”  Ameri-  stream?” Business Finance, Octo-
                    “Workplace Security: How  Vul-  2008, 32–41; S. Leibs, “Firewall   can Business Law Journal (Sum-  ber 2002, 30–34.
                    nerable Are You?” special section   of Silence,” CFO, April 2008, 31–  mer 2011): 285–369; G. M.    40.  B. Mirza, “Combat Costly Dis-
                    in Wall Street Journal, September   35; J. Pereira, “How Credit-Card   Amsler, H. M. Findley, and E.   crimination, Employee Fraud,
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