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CHAPTER 14    •  Foundations of Control     471
                       Theft,”  HR Magazine, February   Hand  That  Feeds  Them,”  Work-   49.  J. McCafferty, “Verbal Chills,”   Rule: Building a Civilized  Work-
                       2011, 14; and S. E. Needleman,   force  Online,   CFO, June 2005, 17; S.  Armour,   place and Surviving One That Isn’t
                       “Businesses  Say Theft  by Their     (December 3, 2000).  “Managers Not Prepared for Work-  (New York: Business Plus, 2007).
                       Workers Is Up,” Wall Street Jour-   46.  B. E. Litzky et al., “The Good, the   place  Violence,” July 15, 2004,    56.  J. Swartz, “Visa Stores Data Like
                       nal, December 11, 2008, B8.  Bad, and the Misguided”; A. H.   1B+; and “Workplace  Violence,”   Gold: In Its Own Fort Knox,”
                     41.  J. Greenberg, “The STEAL Mo-  Bell and D. M. Smith, “Protect-  OSHA Fact Sheet, U.S. Depart-  USA Today, March 26, 2012, 4B;
                       tive: Managing the Social Deter-  ing the Company against  Theft   ment of Labor, Occupational Safety   M. Fitzgerald, “Visa Is Ready for
                       minants of Employee Theft,” in R.   and Fraud”; J. D. Hansen, “To   and Health Administration, 2002.  Anything,”,
                       Giacalone and J. Greenberg (eds.),   Catch  a Thief,”  Journal  of Ac-   50.  “Ten  Tips on Recognizing and   November 2011, 54–58; and “Visa
                       Antisocial Behavior in Organiza-  countancy (March 2000): 43–46;   Minimizing Violence,”  Workforce   Launches New Operating System,
                       tions (Newbury Park, CA: Sage,   and J. Greenberg, “The Cognitive   Management Online, December 3,   Data Center,”  CardLine, Novem-
                       1997), 85–108.             Geometry of Employee Theft,” in   2000.              ber 20, 2009, 37.
                     42.  M. S. Hershcovis, “Incivility, So-  Dysfunctional Behavior in Orga-   51.  “Bullying Bosses Cause  Work    57.  “Visa Inc. Corporate Overview,”
                       cial  Undermining,  Bullying . . .   nizations: Nonviolent and Devi-  Rage Rise,”  Management Issues
                       Oh My!  A Call to Reconcile   ant Behavior (Stamford, CT: JAI   News [   corporate/_media/visa-overview_
                       Constructs  within Workplace Ag-  Press, 1998), 147–93.  .com], January 28, 2003.  may2014.pdf, May 2014.
                       gression Research,”  Journal of    47.  T. K. Garrett, “Subduing  Vio-   52.  C. Cosh, “Keep a Close Eye Out    58.  J. Stewart, “Visa’s  Test Results:
                       Organizational  Behavior  (April   lence at Work: Setting Policies to   for the Signs,” Macleans, Decem-  Record Peak Volume and Expect-
                       2011):  499–519;  B.  E.  Litzky,   Help Safeguard the  Workplace,”   ber 27, 2010, 24; and R. McNatt,   ed Smooth Sailing for  Tokens,”
                       K. A. Eddleston, and D. L. Kid-  “Desk Rage,”  BusinessWeek, No-
                       der, “The Good, the Bad, and the   articles/21201-subduing-violence-  vember 27, 2000, 12.  story/4831, August 25, 2014.
                       Misguided: How Managers In-  at-work-setting-policies-to-help-   53.  M. Gorkin, “Key Components of a    59.  R. Feintzeig, “Everything Is Awe-
                       advertently  Encourage  Deviant   safeguard-the-workplace, March   Dangerously  Dysfunctional Work   some!  Why  You Can’t  Tell Em-
                       Behaviors,” Academy of Manage-  18, 2015; G. Botelho, “Work-  Environment,”  Workforce  Online,   ployees They’re Doing a Bad Job,”
                       ment Perspective, February 2006,   place  Violence: Know the Num- (December 3,   Wall Street Journal Online, Feb-
                       91–103; “Crime Spree,”  Busi-  bers, Risk Factors and Possible   2000).         ruary 10, 2015; TciiStrategic and
                       nessWeek, September 9, 2002,   Warning Signs,” http://www.cnn    54.  L. D. Lieber, “HR’s Role in Pre-  Management Consultants,  “Why
                       8; B. P. Niehoff and R. J. Paul,   .com/2014/09/27/us/workplace-  venting  Workplace Violence”;  C.   Positive Feedback Is Crucial to
                       “Causes of Employee  Theft and   violence-questions-answers/, Sep-  Cosh, “Keep a Close Eye Out for   High Performance,” http://www
                       Strategies That HR Managers Can   tember 28, 2014; L. Copeland and   the Signs”; “Ten Tips on Recog-
                       Use for Prevention,”  Human Re-  D. Stanglin, “‘Rambo’ Gunman   nizing and Minimizing Violence”;   tcii-strategic-and-management-
                       source Management, Spring 2000,   Injures 6 at FedEx Facility,” USA   A. C. Klotz and M. R. Buck-  consultants/why-positive-
                       51–64; and G. Winter, “Taking at   Today Online, April 29, 2014; R.   ley, “Where Everybody Knows   feedback-cruci al-high-
                       the Office Reaches New Heights:   Rivera and L. Robbins, “Troubles   Your  Name:  Lessons  from  Small   performance, May 13, 2013; and
                       Employee Larceny Is Bigger and   Preceded  Connecticut  Work-    Business about Preventing Work-  C. M. Phoel, “Feedback  That
                       Bolder,” New York Times, July 12,   place Killing,”  New York  Times   place Violence,”  Business Hori-  Works,” Harvard Business Review,
                       2000, C1+.                 Online,  August 3, 2010; J. Grif-  zons, November 2010, 571–79;
                     43.  K. Aho, “A Highly Effective, Very   fin, “Workplace  Violence News”   M. Gorkin, “Five Strategies and   that-works/, April 27, 2009.
                       Low-Tech  Way to Stop Fraud,”   [www.workplaceviolencenews   Structures for Reducing  Work-   60.  Trefis  Team, “Lululemon Grows
               .com], July 16, 2010; and J.   place Violence”;  “Investigating   on Higher-Than-Expected Men’s,
                       bw/articles/2014-08-11/to-stop-  Smerd, “Workplace Shootings in   Workplace Violence:  Where  Do   ivivva Businesses, But 2015 Out-
                       fraud-employee-tip-hotlines-are-  Florida, Texas Again Put Focus on   You Start?”; and “Points to Cover   look Disappoints,” www.forbes
                       remarkably-effective,  August  11,   Violence on  the Job,”  Workforce   in a Workplace Violence Policy”—  .com, March 30, 2015; B. Kowitt
                       2014.                      Management Online, November   all of these are articles from Work-  and C. Leahey, “Lululemon: In an
                     44.  This section is based on J. Green-  6, 2009.       force Online,   Uncomfortable Position,” Fortune,
                       berg,  Behavior in Organizations,   48. “Workplace  Homicides  from  (December 3, 2000).  September 16, 2013, 110-18; and
                       10th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ:   Shootings,” U.S. Bureau of Labor    55.  Based on N. Pelusi, “Dealing with   S. Clifford, “Recall Is Expensive
                       Prentice Hall, 2011).      Statistics,  Difficult People,”  Psychology To-  Setback for Maker of Yoga Pants,”
                     45.  A. H. Bell and D. M. Smith,   oshwc/cfoi/osar0016.htm, January   day, September–October 2006, 68–  New York Times Online, March 21,
                       “Why Some Employees Bite the   2013.                  69; and R. I. Sutton, The No Asshole   2013.
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