Page 513 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
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512 Part 5 • Controlling
1. Entrepreneurship Module based on S. Berfield, “Hip-Hop Nation,” Differences between Entrepreneurs of Entrepreneurial Intentions,”
J. Newman, “Russell Simmons Is BusinessWeek, June 13, 2005, 12; and Managers: A Meta-Analytic Journal of Small Business Man-
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music/features/russell-simmons-is- 137; J. Reingold, “Rush Hour,” I. O. Williamson, “Employer Le- to Last: Successful Habits of Vi-
ready-to-bring-rap-to-broadway- Fast Company, November 2003, gitimacy and Recruitment Success sionary Companies (New York:
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New Venture Digital Marketing 27, 2003, 90–98; J. L. Roberts, 2000, 27–42; R. L. Heneman, J. W. Essential Elements of a Great
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ple,”, April 29, 15, 2003, 6B; “Jobless Entrepre- and Future Research Perspec- ship,” Entrepreneurship Theory
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“Def Jam’s Founder Out-Lobbies U.S. Startup Activity, Kauffman and Practice, Fall 2000, 11–26; T. 13–31; P. F. Drucker, Innovation
Big Banks,” Bloomberg Business- Study Shows,” L. Hatten, Small Business: Entre- and Entrepreneurship: Practice
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A. Smith, “From Phat to Skinny,” quently Asked Questions,” U.S. Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, & Row, 1985); and J. W. Carland,
Wall Street Journal, May 1, 2010, Small Business Administration, 1997), 5; L. W. Busenitz, “Re- F. Hoy, W. R. Boulton, and J. C.
W7; J. Dean, “The Endless Flow of (September search on Entrepreneurial Alert- Carland, “Differentiating Entre-
Russell Simmons,” Entrepreneur, 2008); D. E. Gumpert, “The Right ness,” Journal of Small Business preneurs from Small Business
September 2009, 24–28; S. Page, Business Plan for the Job,” Busi- Management (October 1996): Owners: A Conceptualization,”
“Top 25 Influential People,” USA nessWeek Online, January 7, 2008; 35–44; J. M. Crant, “The Proac- Academy of Management Review
Today, September 4, 2007, A10; W. H. Stewart, “Risk Propensity tive Personality Scale as Predictor 9, no. 2 (1984): 354–59.