Page 516 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 516
Glossary 515
G Human resource inventory A report listing Job specification A written statement of the
Gamification Applying typical aspects of game important information about employees such minimum qualifications that a person must
possess to perform a given job successfully
as name, education, training, skills, languages
playing to other areas of activity especially in spoken, and so forth Joint venture A specific type of strategic alli-
a work setting Human resource management (HRM) The ance in which the partners agree to form a
Gantt chart A planning tool that shows in management function concerned with getting, separate, independent organization for some
bar graph form when tasks are supposed to training, motivating, and keeping competent business purpose
be done and compares that with the actual employees
progress on each Hygiene factors Factors that eliminate job
General administrative theory Descriptions of dissatisfaction but don’t motivate K
what managers do and what constitutes good Karoshi A Japanese term that refers to a sudden
management practice death caused by overworking
Geographic departmentalization Grouping I Knowledge management Cultivating a learn-
activities on the basis of geography or territory Idea champions Individuals who actively and ing culture in which organizational members
Global corporation An MNC that centralizes enthusiastically support new ideas, build sup- systematically gather knowledge and share it
management and other decisions in the home port for, overcome resistance to, and ensure with others
country that innovations are implemented
Global sourcing Purchasing materials or Immediate corrective action Corrective L
labor from around the world, wherever it is action that addresses problems at once to get
cheapest performance back on track Layoff-survivor sickness A set of attitudes,
Global strategic alliance A partnership Importing Acquiring products made abroad and perceptions, and behaviors of employees who
between an organization and foreign company selling them domestically survive layoffs
partner(s) in which both share resources and Industrial Revolution The advent of machine Leader Someone who can influence others and
knowledge in developing new products or power, mass production, and efficient trans- who has managerial authority
building production facilities portation beginning in the late eighteenth Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory
Global village A boundaryless world where century in Great Britain A leadership theory that says leaders create
goods and services are produced and marketed Informational roles Involving collecting, in-groups and out-groups and those in the
worldwide receiving, and disseminating information in-group will have higher performance ratings,
GLOBE The Global Leadership and Information overload What results when less turnover, and greater job satisfaction
Organizational Behavior Effectiveness information exceeds processing capacity Leader-participation model A leader-
research program, a program that studies Innovation The process of taking a creative idea ship contingency theory that’s based on a
cross-cultural leadership behaviors and turning it into a useful product, service, or sequential set of rules for determining how
Goals (objectives) Desired outcomes or targets method of operation much participation a leader uses in deci-
Goal-setting theory The proposition that Intergroup development Activities that sion making according to different types of
specific goals increase performance and that attempt to make several work groups more situations
difficult goals, when accepted, result in higher cohesive Leadership The process of leading a group and
performance than do easy goals Interpersonal roles Involving people (subor- influencing that group to achieve its goals
Grapevine An unofficial channel of dinates and persons outside the organization) Leading Directing and coordinating the work
communication and other duties that are ceremonial and activities of an organization’s people
Group Two or more interacting and interdepen- symbolic in nature Learning A relatively permanent change in
dent individuals who come together to achieve Interpersonal skills A manager’s ability to behavior that occurs as a result of experience
specific goals work with, understand, mentor, and motivate Learning organization An organization that
Group cohesiveness The degree to which group others, both individually and in groups has developed the capacity to continuously
members are attracted to one another and Intuitive decision making Making decisions on learn, adapt, and change
share the group’s goals the basis of experience, feelings, and accumu- Least-preferred coworker (LPC) question-
Groupthink When a group exerts extensive lated judgment naire A questionnaire that measures whether
pressure on an individual to withhold his or ISO 9000 A series of international quality stan- a leader was task or relationship oriented
her different views in order to appear to be in dards that set uniform guidelines for processes Licensing An agreement in which an organiza-
agreement to ensure that products conform to customer tion gives another the right, for a fee, to make
Growth strategy A corporate strategy in requirements or sell its products, using its technology or
which an organization expands the number product specifications
of markets served or products offered either J Linear programming A mathematical
through its current business(es) or through technique that solves resource allocation
new business(es) Jargon Technical language specific to a disci- problems
pline or industry Line authority Authority that entitles a man-
ager to direct the work of an employee
H Job analysis An assessment that defines jobs Load chart A modified version of a Gantt chart
and the behaviors necessary to perform them
Halo effect When we form a general impres- Job characteristics model (JCM) A frame- that lists either whole departments or specific
sion of a person on the basis of a single work for analyzing and designing jobs that resources
characteristic identifies five primary core job dimensions, Locus of control The degree to which people
Harvesting Exiting a venture when an their interrelationships, and their impact on believe they control their own fate
entrepreneur hopes to capitalize financially on outcomes Long-term plans Plans with a time frame
the investment in the venture Job description A written statement that beyond three years
Hawthorne studies Research done in the late describes a job
1920s and early 1930s devised by Western Job design The way tasks are combined to form
Electric industrial engineers to examine the complete jobs M
effect of different work environment changes Job enrichment The vertical expansion of a job Machiavellianism (“Mach”) A measure of
on worker productivity, which led to a new by adding planning and evaluation responsi- the degree to which people are pragmatic,
emphasis on the human factor in the function- bilities maintain emotional distance, and believe that
ing of organizations and the attainment of Job involvement The degree to which an ends justify means
their goals employee identifies with his or her job, Management The process of getting things
Heuristics Judgmental shortcuts or “rules of actively participates in it, and considers his or done, effectively and efficiently, through and
thumb” used to simplify decision making her job performance important for self-worth with other people
Hierarchy of needs theory Maslow’s theory Job satisfaction An employee’s general attitude Management by objectives (MBO) A process
that there is a hierarchy of five human needs: toward his or her job of setting mutually agreed-upon goals and
physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self- Job sharing When two or more people split a using those goals to evaluate employee
actualization full-time job performance