Page 520 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 520
Note: When page numbers are followed by the letter e, the reference appears in an exhibit.
A attention training, 314 self-serving, 117e, 122, 303
absenteeism, 290 attitudes big data, 94, 121, 137–138. See also
cognitive dissonance theory and, 292–293
data analytics
Accenture, 172, 206 components of, 291 explanation of, 131–132
accept errors, 229 consistency of, 292 as strategic weapon, 165
achievement explanation of, 291 Big Five model of personality
cultural differences and, 87 importance of understanding, 293–294 cultural differences and, 299
need for, 357, 366 job-related, 291–292 explanation of, 295–296
achievement-need theory, 364 organizational change and employee, 263 Birchbox, 282
achievement-oriented leadership, 393, 394 value chain management and, 484–485 Black and Decker, 188, 244
acid test ratio, 145, 145e attractiveness of reward, 363 Blanchard, Ken, 390, 391
active listening, 424, 435 attributions, distortion of, 303 Blaster-B worm, 46
activities, 492 attribution theory, 302–303, 302e Bliss, 282
activity ratios, 454e Australia, 224 Bloomberg BusinessWeek, 138
ADHD and work, 367 authority Blue Cross of California, 369
adjourning stage, 324, 324e allocation of, 188–189 Blumenthal, Neil, 179
affective component, of attitude, 291 concept of, 50 BMW, 40, 59, 83, 489
affiliation, need for, 357 contemporary view of, 190 board representatives, 225
affirmative action programs, 222 explanation of, 188 Bock, Laszlo, 45
age, workplace diversity and, 97 line, 189, 189e, 190e body language, 420
age cohorts, 62 power vs., 190–192, 191e Boeing, 201, 225, 241, 332, 346, 499
age discrimination, 97 staff, 189, 189e, 190e Boone, Garret, 398
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of traditional view of, 188–189 borderless organizations. See transnational
1967, 97 types of, 189, 189e, 190e organizations
agreeableness, 295 unity of command and, 189–190 Boston Consulting Group, 468
Airbnb, 60 authority power, 210 boundaries, 202
Alcoa, 489 autonomy, 360 boundaryless career, 254
Alenia Marconi Systems, 484 AutoZone, 131 boundaryless organizations
Alibaba, 376, 418 availability bias, 117, 117e, 122 explanation of, 200e, 202–203
All Nippon Airways Co., 499 Avery-Dennison, 186 learning in, 205
Allstate, 207 Avon, 281–282 boundaryless structure, 200e
The Amazing Race, 89 bounded rationality, 119–120
Amazon, 76, 94, 124, 125, 127, 131, 201, 207, brainstorming, 127, 128
395, 396 B break-even analysis, 143–144, 144e
ambiguity, tolerance for, 175–176 Baby Boomers, 62, 101, 309 Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 462
AMC Entertainment, 75 balanced scorecard, 457 Brin, Sergey, 200
American Express (AmEx), 84, 141–142, 141e, Banga, Ajay, 272 British Petroleum, 433
142e, 186, 241, 490 Banga, Ajiti, 28 Buckle Inc., 158
American Medical Association, 450 Bank of America, 148, 212 budget analysis, 455
American Society for Training and bankruptcy, 36 Burberry, 177
Development, 233 Barnard, Chester, 53 businesses. See organizations
American Standard Companies, 484 behavior. See also organizational behavior (OB) business model, 481
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 98 consistency in, 292 business plans, 504–506
Amerigas Propane, 244 dealing with negative workplace, 309–310 business ventures. See entrepreneurial ventures
analysis of context (business plan), 505 of leaders, 386 BYOD (bring your own device), 427, 428, 429,
analysis of opportunity (business plan), 505 learning theories and, 305–307 455–456, 460
anchoring effect, 117, 117e methods to shape, 307
ancient Egypt, 49 personality traits and, 297–298
Anheuser-Busch InBev, 86 behavioral component, of attitude, 291 C
Apache Corp., 70 behavioral management approach, 51 Caesars Entertainment, 161
Apple, 33, 36, 39, 84, 95, 131, 274, 488 behavioral theories of leadership, 388 Cain, David, 214
ArcelorMittal, 332 Bell, Alexander Graham, 130 “calm waters” metaphor, 263–264
Armstrong, Lance, 178 Bell Lab, 297 Canada, 223
Armstrong, Neil, 213 benchmarking, 164, 450 capabilities, 160
artifacts, 67 Bertucci’s, 113 car-buying decisions, 114–116, 114e–116e
Asch, Solomon, 327, 330, 339 Best Buy, 308 career, 254
assertiveness, 88 Bezos, Jeff, 124, 125, 395, 396 Carl, Fred, 503
assumed similarity, 303e, 304 Bhattal, Jasjit “Jesse,” 105 Carlton and United Breweries, 489
AT&T, 262 bias Carmike Cinemas, 75
attentional processes, 306 in decision making, 117, 117e Carnival Corporation, 445