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Hewlett-Packard, 83, 201, 233, 274, 332  information technology (IT). See also technology  control of, 456, 468  Index    523
                    hierarchy of needs theory (Maslow),    big data and, 131–132, 165       keeping track of, 456–457
                       354–355, 354e                     changing world of work and, 204    measurement of, 447–450, 448e
                    hindsight bias, 117e, 122            decision making and, 121           method to correct actual, 451–452
                    hiring process. See human resources management   employee training and, 233  job-person compatibility, 300
                       (HRM)                             impact of, 54, 63                 jobs
                    H&M, 497                             strategic management and, 161      division of labor and, 49
                    Hobean, Claire, 37                   team collaboration and, 333        external environment and, 63–64
                    Hofstede, Geert, 87, 88            in-group collectivism, 88–89         matching personality to, 298–299, 299e
                    Holland, John, 298–299             initiative, 50                       stress related to, 207
                    Hollywood Video, 36                innovation                          Jobs, Steve, 396
                    Home Depot, 262                      creativity and, 273               job satisfaction
                    Hong Kong Police Force, 250          design thinking and, 277           explanation of, 290
                    Hooters, 225                         elements of, 273–274               productivity and, 294
                    Hootsuite, 69                        human resource variables affecting, 276  job sharing, 207
                    horizontal integration, 162          manager’s role in, 39             job specialization, 49
                    Hsieh, Tony, 77, 366                 methods to foster, 274–275, 275e  job specification, 226
                    Huang, Jen-Hsun, 453                 organizational culture and, 275–276  Johnson, Kara, 430
                    Hulu, 262                            overview of, 272–273              Johnson & Johnson, 242, 282, 490
                    humane orientation, 89               technology and, 39, 274           joint venture, 86
                    human relations movement, 51       inspiration, 274                    Jones, Todd, 37
                    human resource inventory, 226      Instagram, 39                       judging vs. perceiving (JP), 295
                    human resources management (HRM). See also   instant messaging (IM), 426  judgment, decision making and, 115–116
                       employees; employee selection   Institute for Global Ethics, 94     Juran, Joseph M., 52
                     components of, 221, 221e          Integrated Information Systems Inc., 458  justice, 362
                     cost control and, 243–244         integration, 162
                     diversity and, 242                integrity, 401                      K
                     downsizing and, 228, 228e, 241, 241e  Intel, 368
                     employee compensation/benefits and,    intelligence, emotional, 400–401  Kaiser Aluminum, 192
                       238–240, 244                    intergroup development, 266         Kaiser Permanente, 344
                     employee orientation and, 232–233  internal analysis, function of, 160  karoshi, 269
                     employee training and, 234–235, 234e, 235e, 240  internal boundaries, 202  Katz, Robert, 33
                     employment planning and, 225–227  International Association of Business Communica-  Kellogg, W. K., 161
                     entrepreneurs and, 507               tors, 433                        Kelly Services, 369
                     ethical issues in, 225            International Organization for Standardization, 489  Kent, Muhtar, 482
                     explanation of, 221–222           international organizations. See global organiza-  Kenyi, Stella, 308
                     innovation and, 276                  tions                            Kerviel, Jérôme, 92
                     legal environment of, 222–225, 223e  Internet, communication issues and, 429–430  Keurig Green Mountain, 105–106
                     performance management approaches and,   Internet of things, 63       KFC, 86, 370
                       236–238, 237e                   interpersonal demands, 270          King, Martin Luther Jr., 396
                     recruiting sources and, 227, 227e  interpersonal roles, 32            Kitsplit, 61
                     selection process and, 228–232, 229e  interpersonal skills, 33, 42    Knight, Rick, 467
                     sexual harassment and, 242–243    interviews, 230–231                 knowledge
                     technology and, 233               intranet, 426                        resources for, 430–431
                    Humphrey, Ambrosia, 69             intrinsic task motivation, 130       skills, and abilities (KSAs), 239
                    hygiene factors, 356, 356e         Intuit, 277                         knowledge management, 430
                    Hyundai Motor, 171                 intuition, planning and, 156        Kohl’s Corporation, 276
                                                       intuitive decision making, 120–121, 120e, 121e  KPMG, 207
                                                       inventory turnover ratio, 145e, 146  Kraft Foods, 331
                    I                                  Ipsen, Laura, 122
                    IBM, 157, 172, 244, 363, 420       ISO 9000, 489–490                   L
                    idea champions, 276                ISTJ (introversion-sensing-thinking-judging), 295  labor markets, organizational change and, 262
                    IDEO, 430                          ITT Industries, 490                 Land Rover, 301
                    Idezawa, Takeshi, 122              Ive, Jonathan “Jony,” 131           language differences, 421e, 422
                    Iger, Bob, 27                                                          laptop hobos, 206
                    IKEA, 481                                                              large businesses, 35
                    IMAX Corporation, 75–76            J                                   layoffs, 228
                    immediate gratification bias, 117, 117e  Jago, Arthur, 392             layoff-survivor sickness, 241
                    Immelt, Jeff, 453                  Japan, earthquake and tsunami in, 83  Lazaridis, Mike, 276
                    importing, 84                      J.C. Penney, 497                    leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, 395
                    Inc., 503                          Jean, Emilio Azcárraga, 170         leader-member relations, 389
                    incubation, 273                    job analysis, 226                   leader-participation model, 392, 392e
                    Inditex, 498                       job applicants, identification of organizational   leadership
                    individual behavior, 289              culture by, 73–74                 achievement-oriented, 393, 394
                    individualism, 87, 88              job characteristics model (JCM), 360–361, 361e  assessing your style of, 405–406
                    individualized rewards, 369        job description, 226                 charismatic, 395–396
                    individuals with disabilities, 98  job design                           contemporary views on, 394–401, 398e, 399e
                    industrial-organizational psychology, 224  motivation and, 359–361, 361e, 364  cross-cultural, 398–399, 399e
                    Industrial Revolution, 49            work tasks and, 360                decision making and, 118, 118e
                    inequality, economic, 60           job involvement, 291                 directive, 393, 394
                    informal planning, 155             job orientation, 232–233             emotional intelligence and, 399–401
                    information, control of, 455–456   job performance                      entrepreneurial, 509
                    informational roles, 32              assessment of, 237–239, 237e, 246–247  ethical, 95
                    information overload, 421e, 422      attitude and, 291–294              ethical behavior and, 95, 103–104
                    information power, 211               conscientiousness and, 296         explanation of, 385
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