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528 Index
teleconferences, 426 U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and flexible arrangements for, 64, 206–208, 212,
telling style, 391 Health, 462 368, 484
Tesco, 204, 498 U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 445 technological change and, 204
tests, 230 U.S. Postal Service, 34 varying approaches to, 300
TGI Friday’s, 242 utilitarian view of ethics, 93 work councils, 225
theft, employee, 460–461, 461e work design, team effectiveness and, 336
theory of justice view of ethics, 93 V workforce. See also employees; work; workplace
Theory X (McGregor), 51, 355 aging of, 97
Theory Y (McGregor), 51, 355 valence, 363 change in composition of, 262
thinking vs. feeling (TF), 295 Valeo Klimasystemme GmbH, 489 contingent, 100, 207–208
threats, 160 validity, 229–230 gender in, 98
3M, 170, 274, 407, 490 value, 478 workforce diversity
three-needs theory (McClelland), 357 value chain, 479 age and, 97, 97e
times interest earned ratio, 145e, 146 value chain management (VCM). See also disabilities/abilities and, 98
Title VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964), 97, 98, 243 operations management explanation of, 96–97, 97e
Tod’s, 120 benefits of, 480 gender and, 98
tolerance for ambiguity scale, 175–176 explanation of, 478–480 GLBT sexual orientation and gender identity
TOMS Shoes, 89 goals of, 480 and, 99
top managers. See also managers obstacles to, 485–486, 485e management of, 242
explanation of, 28, 34 process of, 481 motivation and, 367–368
planning function of, 170, 170e, 171 requirements for, 482–485, 482e programs to help adapt to, 99–101
total assets turnover ratio, 145e, 146 Vandebroek, Sophie, 272 race and ethnicity and, 98
total quality management (TQM), 52 variable pay systems, 239 religion and, 98
Toyota, 39, 157, 241 verbal intonation, 420 work groups, 323, 323e, 331–332, 331e. See also
trade, trends in, 60 Verizon, 64, 337 groups
traditional goal setting, 166–167, 166e vertical integration, 162 work-life balance programs, 99–100
training videoconference meetings, 426 workplace
attention, 314 Viking Range Corporation, 503 approaches to discipline in, 465–466
employee, 233–235, 234e, 235e, 240 violence, workplace, 462–464, 463e control issues in, 459–460
ethics, 96 virtual leadership, 400 dealing with negative behavior in,
trait theories of leadership, 386–387 virtual organizations, 202 309–310
transactional leadership, 395–396 virtual teams, 332, 333 generational differences in, 101, 308, 309e
transformational leadership, 395–396 virus hunters, 46 management of changing, 37–38
transformation process, 476 Visa, 141–142, 141e, 142e, 467 misbehavior in, 290
transnational organizations, 84, 85 visionary leadership, 395–396 safe conditions in, 497–498
TrunkClub, 165 voice mail, 426, 438 stress in, 271, 279–280
trust, 401–402, 402e Volkswagen, 241 workplace violence, 462–464, 463e
Tumblr, 39 Volvo, 331 work specialization, 185–186, 186e
turnaround strategy, 163 Vroom, Victor, 392 work teams. See also teams
turnover, employee, 290 types of, 332–333
20% time initiative, 274 W work groups vs., 331–332, 331e
Twitter, 39, 212, 225, 436–437 work unit orientation, 233
two-factor theory (Herzberg), 355–357, 356e W. L. Gore, 331 World Business Council for Sustainable
type A personalities, 270 W. T. Grant, 36 Development, 40
type B personalities, 270 Wachovia, 331 World Economic Forum, 60
“walk of shame,” 445 Worldwide Commercial and Consumer Equipment
Division, 483
U Wall Street Journal, 94 Wormald Security, 489
Walmart, 40, 92, 165, 177, 445, 483, 497, 498
Uber, 60 Walt Disney Company, 27 Wrangler, 497
Ulman, Doug, 178 Warby Parker, 179 written communication, 418–419. See also
uncertainty Waze, 65 communication
decision making and, 125 weaknesses, 160 written reports, 449
environmental, 64–65, 64e wearable technology, 427, 428, 456, 459 Wyndham Peachtree Conference Center, 265
planning and, 155 Weber, Max, 50, 185
resistance to organizational change and, 267 Wegmans Food Markets, 244
stability strategy and, 162 Welch, Jack, 202 X
uncertainty avoidance, 87, 88, 129 Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield, 490 Xerox, 201, 332
unemployment rates. See also employment wellness programs, 271 Xerox Innovation Group, 272
global recession and, 64 Wells Fargo & Company, 331
trends in, 60 Wendy’s, 487
Unilever, 282 Western Electric Company, 51 Y
UniRush, 503 Western Provident Association, 429 Yahoo!, 94, 96, 212
Unisys, 241 “white-water rapids” metaphor, 265 Yamaha Corporation of America, 244
United States, economic trends in, 60 Whiting, Susan, 265 Yamaji, Hiromi, 105
unit production, 197 Whole Foods Market, 429 Yetton, Phillip, 392
unity of command, 50, 189–190 Wild Oats Markets, 429 YouTube, 76
unity of direction, 50 Williams, Evan, 436 Yum! Brands Inc., 370, 458
Universal Music Group, 503 William Wrigley Jr. Co., 430–431
University of Iowa, 388 Wilson, Dennis, 468–469
University of Michigan, 388 Wilson Sporting Goods, 185 Z
unstructured problems, 122 Winegardner & Hammons, 70 Zappos, 366
UPS (United PArcel Service), 113, 136–137 Wing-ching, Shih, 409 Zara, 497
U.S. Air Force, 297 Wipro Limited, 172 zero inventory warehousing, 478
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, 178 wireless communication, 427 Zhongtian, Liu, 77
U.S. Cellular, 438 Woodward, Joan, 197, 197e Zipcar, 60
U.S. Internal Revenue Service, 459 work. See also workforce; workplace Zippo Manufacturing, 65