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short-term orientation, 87           competitive strategy and, 163     T                    Index    527
                    short-term plans, 169                corporate strategy and, 162–163
                    Siemens, 241                         explanation of, 157               Taco Bell, 157, 370
                    Simmons, Russell, 503                functional strategy and, 163      tactical plans, 169
                    Simon, Herbert A., 120               importance of, 158                talent globalization, 84
                    simple structure, 198–199, 198e      strategic “weapons” for, 160–161,    Tan, Chade-Meng, 314
                    sincerity, 42                         164, 165                         Tanner, Chris, 450
                    Singapore Airlines, 36               technology and, 161               Target Corp., 74–75, 498
                    single-use plans, 169              strategic management process        task demands, 269
                    situational approach. See contingency approach  explanation of, 158    task identity, 360
                    situational leadership theory (SLT), 390–392, 390e  steps in, 158–160, 159e  task significance, 360
                    Six Sigma, 490                     strategic plans. See also planning  task structure, 389
                    SIY (Search Inside Yourself) course, 314  explanation of, 169          Tata, 36, 83
                    size, of organizations, 34–35        function of, 157                  Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 29, 50, 224, 450
                    skill-based pay systems, 239       strategic weapons                   team, structure of, 200–201, 200e, 339
                    skills, 33                           big data as, 165                  team-building, 266
                    skill variety, 360                   customer service as, 160, 161     team effectiveness model, 334, 334e
                    Skinner, B. F., 304                  overview of, 160–161              team leaders, 29
                    Slumdog Millionaire, 316             quality as, 161, 164              teams. See also groups
                    Small Business Administration, 504   social media as, 164–165           behavior on, 337–338
                    small businesses, 34–35. See also entrepreneurial   strategies          benefits of, 338, 339e
                       ventures; organizations           competitive, 163                   coaching, 342–343
                    Smart Grid, 122                      corporate, 162–163                 composition of, 335–336, 338–339
                    smartphones, data security and, 45–46  explanation of, 157              conflict in, 336–337
                    SnapGoods, 60, 61                    functional, 163                    cross-functional, 188, 323, 332
                    social learning theory, 306        strengths, 160                       cultural differences in, 339
                    social loafing, 339                stress                               effective, 333–337, 334e, 336e
                    social media, 233, 429–430           causes of, 269–270                 efficacy of, 336
                     data analytics and, 94              in entrepreneurs, 511              global, 338–340, 339e
                     guidelines for use of, 39–40        explanation of, 268                groups vs., 331–332, 331e
                     as strategic weapon, 164–165        functional, 268                    leadership in, 334–335, 397, 398e
                    social networks, 233                 organizational change and, 268–271, 269e  negative aspects of, 340
                    social obligation, 90                symptoms of, 269, 269e             overview of, 322
                    social responsibility                techniques to reduce, 272, 272e, 279–280  problem-solving, 332
                     arguments for and against, 90–92, 91e  telecommuting and, 207          processes of, 340
                     explanation of, 89–90               workplace, 271, 279–280            rewards in, 338
                    social responsiveness, 90          stress management programs, 270      roles in, 335–336, 336e
                    social skills, 297                 stressors, 269–270                   self-managed, 332
                    Société Générale, 92               structure. See also organizational design  sports, 345
                    Society for Industrial and Organizational    boundaryless, 200e         virtual, 332, 333
                       Psychology, 224                   change in, 261, 261e               work, 332–333
                    Sodexo, 242                          divisional, 198e, 199             team structures, 200–201, 200e
                    software                             of entrepreneurial ventures, 506–507  technical skills, 33
                     mobile traffic, 65                  functional, 198e, 199             technology
                     network security, 46                in global organizations, 203       communication and, 425–430
                    Sony, 150, 490                       innovation and, 275, 275e          control issues and, 458, 459
                    sourcing, global, 84                 learning, 200e                     data analytics and, 94
                    specific plans, 169                  matrix, 200e, 201–202, 201e        data security, 45–46
                    Spotify, 43, 44                      project, 200e, 201–202, 201e       decision making and, 121
                    Springfield Remanufacturing Company    simple, 198–199, 198e            electronic meetings and, 128
                       (SRC), 369                        stress and, 270                    employee empowerment and, 398
                    St. Louis Cardinals, 345             team, 200–201, 200e, 339           environmental scanning and, 173
                    stability, of tenure of personnel, 50  structured problems, 122, 123    ethical issues related to, 94
                    stability strategy, 162            subordination of individual interests to the general   explanation of, 63
                    staff authority, 189, 189e, 190e      interest, 50                      flexible work arrangements and,
                    Staff Builders, 189                Suburban Hospital, 332                 206–208
                    stakeholders                       Subway, 86                           generational differences in use of, 101, 309
                     explanation of, 65                SuccessFactors, 429                  human resource management and, 233
                     managing relationships with, 65, 68, 68e  Sultan Qaboos University, 280  impact on management, 37, 38, 54, 63
                    standing plans, 169                summary business plan, 504           increased reliance on emotional intelligence
                    Starbucks, 36, 65, 500             SuperValu, 39                          and, 296
                    Starcom MediaVest Group, 430       supply chain, globalization of, 83, 487  information, 54, 63, 121, 131–132, 161, 204
                    stated goals, 166                  supportive leadership, 393, 394      innovation and, 39, 272
                    statistical reports, 448           survey feedback, 266                 investment in, 482–483
                    status                             Susan G. Komen Foundation, 178       for office of tomorrow, 428
                     in groups, 327                    sustainability                       operations management and, 486–487
                     in teams, 339                       explanation of, 92                 organizational change and, 37, 204, 261,
                    Steinhafel, Gregg, 74                in management, 40                    261e, 265
                    stereotyping, 303e, 304              pod-based coffee machines and, 105–106  organizational design and, 196, 197, 197e
                    Stewart, Julia, 370                SWOT analysis, 160                   rewards programs and, 369
                    stocking out, 148                  Sylvan, John, 105                    robotic, 38
                    Stone, Biz, 436                    Symantec Corporation, 46             social media and, 39–40, 94, 429–430
                    storming stage, 324, 324e          symbolic view of management, 61      strategic management and, 161, 165
                    strategic alliance, global, 86     symbols, 67                          sustainable management and, 40
                    strategic goals, 166               synopsis (business plan), 504        team collaboration and, 333
                    strategic management. See also planning  systems approach, 53          telecommuting, 206–207
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