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Nestlé, 128, 483                     management of, 266–267            ORION technology, 136–137  Index    525
                    Netflix, 76, 377, 468                reasons for, 267                  over-confidence bias, 117, 117e
                    networked communication, 425–427     techniques to reduce, 267, 272, 272e  overtalking, 436
                    network organizations, 202         organizational citizenship behavior, 290  Owen, Robert, 51
                    networks, development of, 42       organizational commitment, 291      Oxender, Monique, 105
                    New York Times poll, 60            organizational culture. See also culture
                    Nielsen Media Research, 265          decision making and, 71, 71e
                    Nike, 36, 178, 187                   dimensions of, 66, 67             P
                    Nissan Motors, 59, 166, 450          employees and, 69, 73–74          Page, Larry, 200
                    Nokia, 262, 432, 490                 explanation of, 66                Panera Bread, 39
                    nominal group technique, 127         innovation and, 275–276           paraphrasing, 435
                    Nomura Holdings, 104–105             in learning organizations, 205    parochialism, 86
                    nonmanagerial employees, 28. See also employees  managers and, 69–71, 71e  participating style, 391
                    nonprogrammed decisions, 124         method to identify, 73–74         participative leaders, 393
                    nonverbal communication, 419–420, 424  value chain management and, 484–485  part-time employment, 60
                    Nooyi, Indra, 401                  organizational design               Patel, Keyur, 206
                    norming stage, 324, 324e             authority and responsibility and, 188–192,   path-goal theory, 393–394, 393e
                    norms, in groups, 326                 189e–192e                        Paychex, 243
                    North American Tool, 267             boundaryless, 200e, 202–203, 205  pay-for-performance programs,
                    Northrup Grumman Corporation, 489    centralization vs. decentralization and, 193,   370–371
                    not-for-profit organizations, 34      197–198                          payoff matrices, 141–142, 141e, 142e
                    Nvidia, 453                          challenges in, 203–208            Pella Corporation, 476, 477
                                                         contemporary, 199–200, 200e       pension plans, 244
                    O                                    departmentalization and, 186–188, 187e  Penske Truck Leasing, 203
                                                         divisional structure, 198e, 199
                                                                                           PepsiCo, 138, 332, 401
                    objectives. See goals                for entrepreneurial ventures, 507  perceived culture, 66
                    office of tomorrow, 428              explanation of, 185               perception
                    Ohio State University, 388           flexible work arrangements and,    attribution theory and, 302–303, 302e
                    Oldham, Greg R., 359, 360             206–208, 212                      explanation of, 273, 301, 301e
                    omnipotent view of management, 61    functional structure, 198e, 199    factors influencing, 301
                    on-the-job training, 235             global differences in, 203         selective, 304
                    open-book management, 193, 369       in learning organizations, 205    perceptual shortcuts, 303–304, 303e
                    open management, 193                 matrix structure, 200e, 201–202, 201e  performance. See also job performance
                    openness, 401                        project structure, 200e, 201–202, 201e  comparing planned goals to actual,
                    openness to experience, 295, 296     simple structure, 198–199, 198e      450, 451e
                    open systems, 52, 52e                span of control and, 192–193       control of, 456, 468
                    operant conditioning, 304, 305       team structure, 200–201, 200e      measurement of, 447–450, 448e
                    operating ratios, 145e, 146          technology and, 196, 197, 197e     method to correct actual, 451–452
                    operational business plan, 504–505   traditional, 198–199, 198e        performance orientation, 89
                    Operation HoneyStick (Symantec), 46  variables affecting choice of, 194–196, 194e  performance-simulation tests, 230
                    Operations Center East (OCE) (Visa), 467  work specialization and, 185–186, 186e  performing stage, 324, 324e
                    operations management. See also value chain    organizational development (OD), 265–266  persistence, motivation and, 353
                       management (VCM)                organizational performance, 157     personal appearance, 225
                     contemporary issues in, 486–494, 488e,    organizational processes, 483  personality
                       491e–494e                       organizational stakeholders, management of, 65,   Big Five model of, 295–296, 299
                     corporate strategy and, 477          68, 68e                           cultural differences and, 299–300
                     explanation of, 475, 475e         organizational structure. See organizational design;   emotional intelligence and, 296–297, 313
                     productivity and, 476, 477           structure                         of entrepreneurs, 508
                     service and manufacturing firms and,    organization orientation, 233  explanation of, 294
                       475–476                         organizations. See also global organizations  managerial efficiency and understanding, 300
                     technology and, 486–487             boundaryless, 200e, 202–203, 205   matching jobs to, 298–299, 299e
                    opportunities, 160, 268              characteristics of, 27, 27e        Myers-Briggs Type Indicator of, 294–295
                    oral reports, 448–449                downturns in, 510                  predicting work-related behaviors and,
                    order, 50                            explanation of, 27                   297–298
                    organic organizations, 194e, 195     learning, 204–205, 205e            proactive, 508
                    organizational behavior (OB)         levels in, 33–34                   type A, 270
                     dealing with negative, 309–310      manufacturing, 476                 type B, 270
                     explanation of, 51, 289             mechanistic, 194e, 195            personality-job fit (Holland), 298–299, 299e
                     focus of, 185, 289                  network, 202                      personal observation, 447–448
                     generational differences and, 308–309, 309e  not-for-profit, 34       PERT network analysis, 492–494,
                     goals of, 290                       as open system, 52, 52e              493e, 494e
                    organizational change                organic, 194e, 195                Pfizer, 214, 483
                     “calm waters” metaphor for, 263–264  for profit, 34                   Phat Farm, 503
                     catalysts of, 263                   service, 84, 86                   Pizza Hut, 370
                     categories of, 261, 261e            size of, 34–35                    planning. See also strategic management
                     employee stress and, 268–271, 269e (See also   societal expectations of, 89–92  approaches to, 170–171
                       stress)                           sustainability in, 40              benefits of, 155
                     explanation of, 261                 transformation process in, 476     contingency factors in, 170
                     external forces and, 262            virtual, 202                       criticisms of, 156–157, 156e
                     implementation of planned, 265–266  organizing, 31                     decision making and, 118, 118e
                     internal forces and, 262–263      orientation                          directional, 169
                     research on, 264                    future, 88                         in dynamic environments, 172
                     technology and, 37, 204, 261, 261e, 265  humane, 89                    for entrepreneurial ventures,
                     three-step process of, 263, 264e    long-term vs. short-term, 87         504–506
                     “white-water rapids” metaphor for, 265  new-employee, 232–233          environmental scanning and, 173
                    organizational change resistance     performance, 89                    explanation of, 31, 155
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