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522    Index
                ethnicity, 98                       formal planning, 155. See also planning  global strategic alliance, 86
                Evans Findings Company, 476         formal planning department, 171    global village, 83
                events, 492                         Foxconn, 283                       GLOBE research program, 88–89, 399
                executive summary (business plan), 504, 505  framing bias, 117, 117e   goals
                expectancy theory, 363–364, 363e, 371  France Télécome, 282–283          comparing actual performance to planned, 450,
                expertise, 130                      franchising, 84                       451e
                expert power, 211                   Freeze, Hugh, 436                    explanation of, 165
                exporting, 84                       Fulks, Kip, 281                      financial, 166
                external boundaries, 202            full business plan, 504–506          of organizations, 27
                external environment                functional departmentalization, 187, 187e  planning and, 155
                  components of, 59–60, 59e         functional strategy, 163–164         stated, 166
                  demographics and, 62–63           functional stress, 268               strategic, 166
                  economic inequality and, 60       functional structure, 198e, 199      types of, 166
                  environmental scanning and, 173   The Functions of the Executive (Barnard), 53  of value chain management, 479
                  environmental uncertainty and, 64–65, 64e  fundamental attribution error, 303  well-written, 168, 168e
                  explanation of, 59                future orientation, 88             goal setting
                  impact on managers of, 63–64                                           management by objectives, 167–168
                  jobs and employment and, 63–64                                         steps in, 168
                  planning issues and, 172          G                                    traditional, 166–167, 166e
                  sharing economy and, 60–61        Gallup Organization, 40            goal-setting theory, 358–359, 359e
                  stakeholder relationships and, 65  gamification, 233, 369            Goldman Sachs, 93
                extinction, 307                     Gantt chart, 491, 491e             Google, 36, 39, 44–45, 65, 76, 94, 200, 212, 225,
                extranet, 427                       Gap, 122, 498                         244, 274, 314, 453
                extraversion, 295                   Gass, Michelle, 276                government regulations, as impetus for change, 262
                extraversion vs. introversion (EI), 295  Gates, Bill, 508              grapevine, 419
                EY, 242                             Gawker, 74                         Gravity Payments, 375
                eye contact, 435                    gender                             Green Earth Gardening Supply, 450, 451e
                                                     as communication barrier, 421e, 422  group decision making
                                                                                         advantages and disadvantages of, 126–127
                                                     in workforce, 98
                F                                   gender differentiation, 88           cultural differences and, 129
                Facebook, 39, 68, 94, 164, 212, 225, 274, 407  general administrative theory, 50  effectiveness of, 127
                factory of the future, 487          General Cable Corporation, 489       overview of, 125–126
                factories, working conditions, 497–498  General Electric (GE), 192, 202, 453, 490  techniques to improve, 127–128
                Fair Labor Association, 95          General Mills, 243                 groups. See also teams
                family-friendly benefits, 100       General Motors, 241                  behaviors in, 289
                fax machines, 426                   Gen X, 62                            cohesiveness of, 328–329, 329e
                Fayol, Henri, 50, 185               Gen Y, 62, 101, 308, 309, 309e, 407  command, 323e
                Federal Express (FedEx), 34, 243, 244,    Gen Z, 62                      conformity in, 327, 330
                   369, 397, 462                    geographic departmentalization, 187–188, 187e  developmental stages of, 323–325, 324e
                feedback                            Georgia Tech, 487                    explanation of, 323
                  advantages of, 457                Germany, 224–225                     formal work, 323, 323e
                  explanation of, 418               Ghosn, Carlos, 450                   informal, 323
                  to facilitate communication, 423–424  Gilboa, David, 179               members of, 324–325
                  job dimensions and, 360           Gimbel’s, 36                         norms in, 326
                  self-generating, 358              Giuliani, Rudolph, 400               research on dynamics in, 264
                feedback control, 453, 461, 463e    GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender)   roles in, 326
                feedforward control, 453, 461          people, in workplace, 99          size of, 328
                Ferguson, Alex, 408                 global corporations, 84, 85          status systems in, 327
                Fiedler, Fred, 54, 389, 390, 393    globalization                        task, 323e
                Fiedler contingency model, 389–390, 390e  approaches to, 84, 84e, 86     teams vs., 331–332, 331e
                filtering, 421, 421e                 explanation of, 83                groupthink, 126–127
                financial control, 454–455, 454e     financial, 84                     Grupo Televisa, 170
                financial data (business plan), 505  marketplace, 83–84
                financial globalization, 84          of supply chain, 487
                financial goals, 166                 talent, 84                        H
                financial scandals, ethical behavior and, 89  Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior   habit, 267
                first-line managers, 29, 34            Effectiveness (GLOBE), 88–89, 399  Hackman, J. Richard, 359, 360
                Fitzgerald, Patrick, 46             global organizations               Hallmark, 186
                fixed-point reordering system, 148   control issues in, 458–459        halo effect, 303e, 304
                flexible work arrangements, 64, 368, 484  cultural differences and, 87–89  Harrah’s Entertainment, 161
                  benefits and drawbacks of, 212     demographic trends and, 62–63     Harris Interactive, 60
                  compressed work weeks, flextime, and job    explanation of, 83–84    harvesting, 510
                   sharing as, 207                   external environment and, 59      Hasbro, 131
                  contingent workforce and, 207–208  global corporations as, 85        Hastings, Reed, 468
                  overview of, 206                   human resource management laws and    Hawthorne Studies, 51
                  telecommuting and, 206–207           regulations in, 223–225         HCL Technologies, 316
                flextime, 207                        management concepts and, 35       health care, costs of employee, 243–244
                focus strategy, 163                  management of, 86, 88             health care industry, 344
                Follett, Mary Parker, 51             multidomestic corporations as, 85  health care legislation, 60
                followers, 402, 403                  organizational structure in, 203  Health Net Inc., 204
                Ford, Henry, 450                     sales in, 83                      Hennes & Mauritz (H&M), 497, 498
                Ford Australia, 186                  steps to become, 84, 84e, 86      Herman Miller, Inc., 509
                Ford Motor Company, 52, 83           teams in, 338–340, 339e           Hersey, Paul, 390, 391
                foreign subsidiaries, 86             transnational, 85                 Herzberg, Frederick, 355, 356, 367
                formalization, 193                  global sourcing, 84                heuristics, 116
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