Page 519 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
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518 Glossary
Technical skills Job-specific knowledge and Transnational (borderless) organization Variable pay A pay system in which an
techniques needed to perform work tasks A structural arrangement for global organiza- individual’s compensation is contingent on
Technology Any equipment, tools, or operating tions that eliminates artificial geographical performance
methods that are designed to make work more barriers Verbal intonation An emphasis given to words
efficient Trust The belief in the integrity, character, and or phrases that conveys meaning
Telecommuting A work arrangement in which ability of a leader Virtual organization An organization that
employees work at home and are linked to the Turnover Voluntary and involuntary permanent consists of a small core of full-time employees
workplace by computer withdrawal from an organization and outside specialists temporarily hired as
Theory of justice view of ethics View that says Two-factor theory Herzberg’s motivation needed to work on projects
ethical decisions are made in order to enforce theory, which proposes that intrinsic factors Virtual team A type of work team that uses
rules fairly and impartially are related to job satisfaction and motivation, technology to link physically dispersed mem-
Theory X The assumption that employees whereas extrinsic factors are associated with bers in order to achieve a common goal
dislike work, are lazy, avoid responsibility, and job dissatisfaction Visionary leadership The ability to create and
must be coerced to work Type A personality People who have a chronic articulate a realistic, credible, and attractive
Theory Y The assumption that employees are sense of urgency and an excessive competitive vision of the future that improves on the pres-
creative, enjoy work, seek responsibility, and drive ent situation
can exercise self-direction Type B personality People who are relaxed and
Threats Negative trends in the external easygoing and accept change easily
environment W
Three-needs theory McClelland’s theory, U Weaknesses Activities the organization doesn’t
which says that three acquired (not innate) do well or resources it needs but doesn’t
needs—achievement, power, and affiliation— Uncertainty A situation in which a decision possess
are major motives at work maker has neither certainty nor reasonable Wellness programs Programs offered by orga-
360-degree appraisal An appraisal device that probability estimates available nizations to help employees prevent health
seeks feedback from a variety of sources for Unit production The production of items in problems
the person being rated units or small batches “White-water rapids” metaphor A descrip-
Top managers Individuals who are responsible Unity of command Structure in which each tion of organizational change that likens that
for making decisions about the direction of employee reports to only one manager change to a small raft navigating a raging
the organization and establishing policies that Unstructured problem A problem that is new river
affect all organizational members or unusual for which information is ambigu- Work councils Groups of nominated or elected
Total quality management (TQM) A manage- ous or incomplete employees who must be consulted when
rial philosophy devoted to continual improve- Utilitarian view of ethics View that says ethical management makes decisions involving
ment and responding to customer needs and decisions are made solely on the basis of their personnel
expectations outcomes or consequences Workforce diversity Ways in which people in
Traditional goal setting Goals set by top a workforce are similar and different from one
managers flow down through the organiza- V another in terms of gender, age, race, sexual
tion and become subgoals for each organiza- Validity The proven relationship between orientation, ethnicity, cultural background, and
tional area a selection device and some relevant physical abilities and disabilities
Trait theories of leadership Theories that criterion Workplace misbehavior Any intentional
isolate characteristics (traits) that differentiate Value The performance characteristics, features, employee behavior that is potentially harmful
leaders from nonleaders attributes, and other aspects of goods and to the organization or individuals within the
Transactional leaders Leaders who lead services, for which customers are willing to organization
primarily by using social exchanges (or give up resources Work specialization Dividing work activities
transactions) Value chain The entire series of work activities into separate job tasks; also called division
Transformation process The process that con- that add value at each step from raw materials of labor
verts resources into finished goods and services to finished product Work teams Groups whose members work
Transformational leaders Leaders who Value chain management The process of intensely on specific, common goals using their
stimulate and inspire (transform) followers to managing the sequence of activities and positive synergy, individual and mutual account-
achieve extraordinary outcomes information along the entire value chain ability, and complementary skills