Page 514 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 514
A Body language Nonverbal communication cues Cognitive component The part of an attitude
Absenteeism The failure to show up for work such as facial expressions, gestures, and other made up of the beliefs, opinions, knowledge,
and information held by a person
body movements
Active listening Listening for full meaning Boundaryless career When an individual takes Cognitive dissonance Any incompatibility or
without making premature judgments or personal responsibility for his or her own inconsistency between attitudes or between
interpretations career behavior and attitudes
Activities Actions that take place Boundaryless organization An organization Commitment concept The idea that plans
Adjourning stage The final stage of group whose design is not defined by, or limited to, should extend far enough to meet those com-
development for temporary groups, during boundaries imposed by a predefined structure mitments made when the plans were developed
which groups prepare to disband Bounded rationality Making decisions that are Communication A transfer of understanding
Affective component The part of an attitude rational within the limits of a manager’s ability and meaning from one person to another
that’s the emotional or feeling part to process information Communication process The seven-part
Affirmative action programs Programs that Brainstorming An idea-generating process that process of transferring and understanding of
ensure that decisions and practices enhance encourages alternatives while withholding meaning
the employment, upgrading, and retention of criticism Communities of practice Groups of people
members of protected groups Break-even analysis A technique for identify- who share a concern, a set of problems, or a
Assumed similarity An observer’s perception ing the point at which total revenue is just passion about a topic and who deepen their
of others influenced more by the observer’s sufficient to cover total costs knowledge and expertise in that area by inter-
own characteristics than by those of the person Business model A strategic design for how a acting on an ongoing basis
observed company intends to profit from its broad array Competitive advantage What sets an organiza-
Attitudes Evaluative statements, either of strategies, processes, and activities tion apart; its distinctive edge
favorable or unfavorable, concerning objects, Business plan A written document that summa- Competitive intelligence A type of environ-
people, or events rizes a business opportunity and defines and mental scanning that gives managers accurate
Attribution theory A theory used to explain articulates how the identified opportunity is to information about competitors
how we judge people differently, based be seized and exploited Competitive strategy An organizational strat-
on what meaning we attribute to a given egy for how an organization will compete in
behavior its business(es)
Authority The rights inherent in a managerial C Compressed workweek A workweek where
position to give orders and expect the orders “Calm waters” metaphor A description of employees work longer hours per day but
to be obeyed
organizational change that likens that change to fewer days per week
B a large ship making a predictable trip across a Conceptual skills A manager’s ability to
calm sea and experiencing an occasional storm
analyze and diagnose complex situations
Balanced scorecard A performance measure- Capabilities An organization’s skills and abili- Concurrent control Control that takes place
ment tool that looks at more than just the ties in doing the work activities needed in its while a work activity is in progress
financial perspective business Conformity Adjusting one’s behavior to align
Basic corrective action Corrective action Career The sequence of work positions held by with a group’s norms
that looks at how and why performance a person during his or her lifetime Contingency approach (or situational
deviated before correcting the source of Centralization The degree to which decision approach) An approach to management that
deviation making takes place at upper levels of the says that individual organizations, employees,
Behavior The actions of people organization and situations are different and require
Behavioral component The part of an attitude Certainty A situation in which a decision different ways of managing
that refers to an intention to behave in a cer- maker can make accurate decisions because all Contingent workers Temporary, freelance,
tain way toward someone or something outcomes are known or contract workers whose employment is
Behavioral theories of leadership Theories Chain of command The line of authority contingent upon demand for their services
that isolate behaviors that differentiate effec- extending from upper organizational levels to Contingent workforce Part-time, temporary,
tive leaders from ineffective leaders lower levels, which clarifies who reports to and contract workers who are available for
Benchmarking The search for the best practices whom hire on an as-needed basis
among competitors or noncompetitors that Change agents People who act as change Control Management function that involves
lead to their superior performance catalysts and assume the responsibility for monitoring activities to ensure that they’re
Big data The vast amount of quantifiable managing the change process being accomplished as planned and correcting
information that can be analyzed by highly Channel The medium by which a message any significant deviations
sophisticated data processing travels Controlling Monitoring activities to ensure that
Big Five Model A personality trait model that Charismatic leaders Enthusiastic, self-confident they are accomplished as planned
examines five traits: extraversion, agreeable- leaders whose personalities and actions Control process A three-step process of mea-
ness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, influence people to behave in certain ways suring actual performance, comparing actual
and openness to experience Code of ethics A formal document that states an performance against a standard, and taking
Board representatives Employees who sit on a organization’s primary values and the ethical managerial action to correct deviations
company’s board of directors and represent the rules it expects managers and nonmanagerial Core competencies The major value-creating
interest of employees employees to follow capabilities of an organization