Page 517 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 517
516 Glossary
Management by walking around (MBWA) Norming stage The third stage of group Performance management system A system
When a manager is out in the work area development, which is characterized by close that establishes performance standards that are
interacting with employees relationships and cohesiveness used to evaluate employee performance
Management information system (MIS) Norms Standards or expectations that are Performance-simulation tests Selection
A system used to provide management with accepted and shared by a group’s members devices based on actual job behaviors
needed information on a regular basis Performing stage The fourth stage of group
Managerial grid A two-dimensional grid for development, when the group is fully func-
appraising leadership styles O tional and works on the group task
Managerial roles Specific categories of Omnipotent view of management The view Personality A unique combination of emo-
managerial behavior; often grouped around that managers are directly responsible for an tional, thought, and behavioral patterns that
interpersonal relationships, information organization’s success or failure affect how a person reacts to situations and
transfer, and decision making Open-book management A motivational interacts with others
Managers Individuals in an organization who approach in which an organization’s financial PERT network analysis A flowchart-like
direct the activities of others statements (the “books”) are shared with all diagram that depicts the sequence of activities
Manufacturing organizations Organizations employees needed to complete a project and the time or
that produce physical goods Open systems Systems that dynamically costs associated with each activity
Mass production Large-batch manufacturing interact with their environment Planning Defining goals, establishing strategy,
Matrix structure A structure in which special- Operant conditioning A theory of learning that and developing plans to coordinate activities
ists from different functional departments are says behavior is a function of its consequences Plans Documents that outline how goals are
assigned to work on projects led by a project Operations management The study and appli- going to be met
manager cation of the transformation process Policy A guideline for making decisions
Means-ends chain An integrated network of Opportunities Positive trends in the external Political skills A manager’s ability to
goals in which higher-level goals are linked to environment build a power base and establish the right
lower-level goals, which serve as the means Organic organization A structure that’s low in connections
for their accomplishment specialization, formalization, and centralization Power An individual’s capacity to influence
Mechanistic organization A bureaucratic orga- Organization A systematic arrangement of decisions
nization; a structure that’s high in specializa- people brought together to accomplish some Principles of management Fayol’s fundamen-
tion, formalization, and centralization specific purpose tal or universal principles of management
Message A purpose for communicating that’s to Organization design When managers develop practice
be conveyed or change the organization’s structure Proactive personality A personality trait
Middle managers Individuals who are typically Organization development (OD) Efforts that describing those individuals who are more
responsible for translating goals set by top assist organizational members with a planned prone to take actions to influence their envi-
managers into specific details that lower-level change by focusing on their attitudes and ronment
managers will see get done values Problem A discrepancy between an existing and
Mission A statement of an organization’s Organizational behavior (OB) The field of a desired state of affairs
purpose study that researches the actions (behaviors) of Problem-solving team A team from the same
Motivation The process by which a person’s people at work department or functional area that’s involved
efforts are energized, directed, and sustained Organizational change Any alteration of an in efforts to improve work activities or to
toward attaining a goal organization’s people, structure, or technology solve specific problems
Motivators Factors that increase job satisfaction Organizational citizenship behavior Procedural justice Perceived fairness of the
and motivation Discretionary behavior that’s not part of an process used to determine the distribution of
Multidomestic corporation An MNC that employee’s formal job requirements, but that rewards
decentralizes management and other deci- promotes the effective functioning of the Procedure A series of interrelated, sequen-
sions to the local country where it’s doing organization tial steps used to respond to a structured
business Organizational commitment An employee’s problem
Multinational corporation (MNC) Any type orientation toward the organization in terms of Process consultation Using outside consultants
of international company that maintains opera- his or her loyalty to, identification with, and to assess organizational processes such as
tions in multiple countries involvement in the organization workflow, informal intra-unit relationships,
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Organizational culture The shared values, and formal communication channels
A personality assessment that uses four principles, traditions, and ways of doing Process departmentalization Grouping activi-
dimensions of personality to identify different things that influence the way organizational ties on the basis of work or customer flow
personality types members act Process production Continuous flow or process
Organizational processes The way organiza- production
tional work is done
N Organizing Determining what needs to be done, Product departmentalization Grouping activi-
ties by major product areas
Need for achievement (nAch) The drive to suc- how it will be done, and who is to do it Programmed decision A repetitive decision
ceed and excel in relation to a set of standards Orientation Introducing a new employee to the that can be handled using a routine approach
Need for affiliation (nAff) The desire for job and the organization Project A one-time-only set of activities with a
friendly and close interpersonal relationships definite beginning and ending point
Need for power (nPow) The need to make oth- Project management The task of getting proj-
ers behave in a way that they would not have P ect activities done on time, within budget, and
behaved otherwise Parochialism A narrow focus in which manag- according to specifications
Network organization An organization that ers see things only through their own eyes and Project structure A structure in which employ-
uses its own employees to do some work from their own perspective ees continuously work on projects
activities and networks of outside suppliers to Path-goal theory A leadership theory that
provide other needed product components or says the leader’s job is to assist followers in
work processes attaining their goals and to provide direction Q
Nominal group technique A decision-making or support needed to ensure that their goals are Quantitative approach The use of quantitative
technique in which group members are physi- compatible with the organization’s or group’s techniques to improve decision making
cally present but operate independently goals Queuing theory Also known as waiting line
Nonmanagerial employees People who work Pay-for-performance programs Variable theory, it is a way of balancing the cost
directly on a job or task and have no responsi- compensation plans that pay employees on the of having a waiting line versus the cost of
bility for overseeing the work of others basis of some performance measure maintaining the line. Management wants
Nonprogrammed decision A unique and Perception A process by which we give mean- to have as few stations open as possible to
nonrecurring decision that requires a custom- ing to our environment by organizing and minimize costs without testing the patience of
made solution interpreting sensory impressions its customers.