Page 518 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
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Glossary 517
R Self-monitoring A personality trait that mea- Staff authority Positions with some authority
Race The biological heritage (including sures the ability to adjust behavior to external that have been created to support, assist, and
advise those holding line authority
situational factors
physical characteristics, such as one’s skin Self-serving bias The tendency for individuals Stakeholders Any constituencies in an organi-
color and associated traits) that people use to to attribute their successes to internal factors zation’s environment that are affected by that
identify themselves while putting the blame for failures on exter- organization’s decisions and actions
Range of variation The acceptable parameters nal factors Standing plans Plans that are ongoing and
of variance between actual performance and Service organizations Organizations that provide guidance for activities performed
a standard produce nonphysical products in the form of repeatedly
Rational decision making Describes choices services Stated goals Official statements of what an
that are consistent and value-maximizing Sexual harassment Any unwanted action or organization says, and wants its stakeholders
within specified constraints activity of a sexual nature that explicitly or to believe, its goals are
Readiness The extent to which people have implicitly affects an individual’s employment, Status A prestige grading, position, or rank
the ability and willingness to accomplish a performance, or work environment within a group
specific task Shaping behavior The process of guiding Stereotyping When we judge someone on the
Real goals Those goals an organization actually learning in graduated steps, using reinforce- basis of our perception of a group to which
pursues as shown by what the organization’s ment or lack of reinforcement that person belongs
members are doing Sharing economy An economic environment in Storming stage The second stage of group
Realistic job preview (RJP) A preview of a which asset owners share with other individu- development, which is characterized by intra-
job that provides both positive and negative als through a peer-to-peer service, for a set group conflict
information about the job and the company fee, their underutilized physical assets or their Strategic business units (SBUs) An organiza-
Recruitment Locating, identifying, and attract- knowledge, expertise, skills, or time tion’s single businesses that are independent
ing capable applicants Short-term plans Plans with a time frame of and formulate their own competitive strategies
Referent The persons, systems, or selves one year or less Strategic management What managers do to
against which individuals compare themselves Simple structure An organizational design with develop an organization’s strategies
to assess equity low departmentalization, wide spans of con- Strategic management process A six-step
Reliability The degree to which a selection trol, authority centralized in a single person, process that encompasses strategy planning,
device measures the same thing consistently and little formalization implementation, and evaluation
Renewal strategy A corporate strategy that Single-use plan A one-time plan specifically Strategic plans Plans that apply to the entire
addresses declining organizational perfor- designed to meet the needs of a unique situ- organization and encompass the organization’s
mance ation overall goals
Resources An organization’s assets that it uses Situational leadership theory (SLT) A Strategies Plans for how the organization
to develop, manufacture, and deliver products leadership contingency theory that focuses on will do what it’s in business to do, how it will
to its customers followers’ readiness compete successfully, and how it will attract
Responsibility An obligation to perform Six Sigma A quality standard that establishes a its customers in order to achieve its goals
assigned duties goal of no more than 3.4 defects per million Strengths Any activities the organization does
Rights view of ethics View that says ethical units or procedures well or any unique resources that it has
decisions are made in order to respect and Skill-based pay A pay system that rewards Stress Response to anxiety over intense
protect individual liberties and privileges employees for the job skills they demonstrate demands, constraints, or opportunities.
Ringisei Japanese consensus-forming group Slack time The time difference between the Stressors Factors that cause stress
decisions critical path and all other paths Strong cultures Cultures in which the key
Risk A situation in which a decision maker Small business An independent business hav- values are deeply held and widely shared
is able to estimate the likelihood of certain ing fewer than 500 employees that doesn’t Structured problem A straightforward,
outcomes necessarily engage in any new or innovative familiar, and easily defined problem
Role Behavior patterns expected of someone practices and has relatively little impact on its Survey feedback A method of assessing
who occupies a given position in a social unit industry employees’ attitudes toward and perceptions
Role ambiguity When role expectations are not Social learning theory A theory of learning that of a change
clearly understood says people can learn through observation and Sustainability A company’s ability to achieve
Role conflicts Work expectations that are hard direct experience its business goals and increase long-term
to satisfy Social loafing The tendency for individuals to shareholder value by integrating economic,
Role overload Having more work to accomplish expend less effort when working collectively environmental, and social opportunities into
than time permits than when working individually its business strategies
Rule An explicit statement that tells employees Social media Forms of electronic communica- SWOT analysis The combined external and
what can or cannot be done
tion through which users create online com- internal analyses
munities to share ideas, information, personal Symbolic view of management The view that
messages, and other content
S Social obligation When a business firm much of an organization’s success or failure is
due to external forces outside managers’ control
Satisfice Accepting solutions that are “good engages in social actions because of its Systems approach An approach to management
enough” obligation to meet certain economic and legal that views an organization as a system, which
Scientific management The use of scientific responsibilities is a set of interrelated and interdependent parts
methods to define the “one best way” for a job Social responsibility (corporate social respon- arranged in a manner that produces a unified
to be done sibility, or CSR) A business firm’s intention, whole
Selection process Screening job applicants to beyond its legal and economic obligations,
ensure that the most appropriate candidates to do the right things and act in ways that are
are hired good for society T
Selective perception Selectively perceiving Social responsiveness When a business firm Tactical plans Plans that specify the details of
or hearing a communication based on your engages in social actions in response to some how the overall goals are to be achieved
own needs, motivations, experiences, or other popular social need Team-building Using activities to help work
personal characteristics Span of control The number of employees groups set goals, develop positive interper-
Self-efficacy An individual’s belief that he or a manager can efficiently and effectively sonal relationships, and clarify the roles and
she is capable of performing a task supervise responsibilities of each team member
Self-esteem (SE) An individual’s degree of like Specific plans Plans that are clearly defined and Team leaders Individuals who are responsible
or dislike for himself or herself leave no room for interpretation for managing and facilitating the activities of
Self-managed work team A type of work team Stability strategy A corporate strategy in which a work team
that operates without a manager and is respon- an organization continues to do what it is cur- Team structure A structure in which the entire
sible for a complete work process or segment rently doing organization is made up of work teams