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520    Index
                Carter, Rob, 397                     language as, 421e, 422, 424         multinational, 84, 85
                Caterpillar, 100, 244                methods to overcome, 423–424, 423e  transnational (borderless), 84, 85
                Centaline, 409                       national culture as, 421e, 422–423  cost leadership strategy, 163
                centralization, 50, 193              selective perception as, 421–422, 421e  Coty, 282
                certainty, 125                      communities of practice, 431       creative-thinking skills, 130
                chain of command                    compensation, systems for, 238–240  creativity
                  dual, 201                         competencies, managerial, 33         decision making and, 129–130, 134
                  explanation of, 188               competitive advantage, 163           development of, 135
                Chandler, Alfred, 195               competitive intelligence, 173        explanation of, 129
                Chanel, 282                         competitive strategy, 163            factors that inhibit, 130
                change. See also organizational change;    compressed workweeks, 207     planning and, 156
                   organizational change resistance  concentration, 162                crisis planning, 178
                  economic uncertainty and unpredictable,    conceptual skills, 33     critical path, 492
                   64–65, 64e                       concurrent control, 453, 461, 463e  cross-functional teams, 188, 323, 332
                  effects on organizations, 37–38   confirmation bias, 117, 117e       Cucinelli, Brunello, 249
                  technological, 37, 261, 261e, 265  conflict                          Cult Beauty, 282
                  workforce, 262                     strategies to handle, 496–497     cultural differences. See also diversity
                Changqing, Lu, 76                    on teams, 336–337                   control adjustments based on, 458–459
                channel, 418                        conformity, in groups, 327, 330      decision making and, 128–129
                charismatic leadership, 395–396     conscientiousness, 295, 296          Hofstede’s dimensions of, 87, 88
                charismatic power, 211              consensus, 302                       leadership and, 398–399, 399e
                Chevron, 429                        consistency, 302                     management of global organizations and, 86–89
                Chicago Cubs, 157                   constraints, 268                     motivation and, 366–367
                China Zhongwang, 76, 77             The Container Store, 398             personality attributes and, 299–300
                Cinemark, 75                        contemporary management approaches, 53–54  team structure and, 339
                Circuit City, 36                    contingency approach, 54           culture. See also organizational culture
                Cisco Systems, 122, 185             contingency theories of leadership   descriptive, 66
                Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, 97, 98, 243  Fiedler’s, 388–390, 390e  dimensions of, 66, 87
                classical conditioning theory, 304   leader-participation model, 392, 392e  perceived, 66
                classical management approach, 50    path-goal theory, 393–394, 393e     shared, 66, 73
                Clinique, 282                        situational, 390–392, 390e          value chain management and, 485
                Coca-Cola Company (Coke), 138, 187, 228, 482  contingent workers       current ratio, 145, 145e
                codes of ethics, 94–95               explanation of, 100, 207–208      customer service
                coercive power, 210                  motivation of, 368                  communication and, 431–432
                cognitive component, of attitude, 291  control                           importance of, 38, 158
                cognitive dissonance, 292            balanced scorecard approach to, 457  as strategic weapon, 160, 161
                cognitive dissonance theory, 292–293  comparing actual performance to planned
                cohesiveness                           goals and, 450, 451e
                  group, 328–329, 329e               concurrent, 453, 461, 463e        D
                  team, 339                          contemporary issues related to, 458–463,    Dalgaard, Lars, 429
                collaboration, technologically-aided, 333  461e, 463e                  data analytics, ethics of, 94. See also big data
                collectivism                         cultural differences and, 458–459  data security, 45–46, 429
                  explanation of, 87, 88             of employee performance, 456, 468  Dave & Barry’s, 36
                  in-group, 88–89                    entrepreneurs and, 510–511        Davis, Keith, 420
                command                              explanation of, 31, 445           DDB Stockholm, 266
                  chain of, 188                      feedback, 453, 457, 461, 463e     debt to assets ratio, 145e, 146
                  unity of, 50, 189–190              feedforward, 453, 461             decentralization, 193
                commitment, organizational, 291      financial, 454–455, 454e          decisional roles, 32
                communication                        importance of, 445–447            decision criteria, 114, 114e
                  current issues in, 428–433         of information, 455–456           decision making. See also problems; quantitative
                  customer service and, 431–432      measuring and, 447–450, 448e         decision making
                  employee input and, 432, 432e      performance correction and, 451–452  big data and, 131–132
                  from employees, 432                process of, 447–448, 448e           bounded rationality in, 119–120
                  ethical issues in, 432–433         span of, 192–193                    common errors in, 116–117, 117e, 122
                  explanation of, 417                timing of, 452–453, 452e            conditions for, 125
                  face-to-face, 429                 control issues                       creativity in, 129–130
                  grapevine method of, 419           cultural differences and, 458–459   cultural differences and, 128–129
                  Internet issues related to, 429–430  employee theft as, 460–461, 461e  design thinking approach to, 131–132
                  knowledge management and, 430      privacy as, 460                     group, 125–129
                  knowledge resources and, 430–431   technology and, 459                 implementation following, 116
                  legal and security issues in, 429  workplace violence as, 462–463, 463e  intuitive, 120–121, 120e, 121e
                  methods to facilitate, 423–424    controlling tool, 455                organizational culture and, 71, 71e
                  networked, 425–427                control process, 447, 448e           problem identification and, 113–114
                  nonverbal, 419–420, 424           Cook, Tim, 33, 95                    rational, 118–119
                  process of, 417–418, 418e         Cooperative Printing, 297            structured and unstructured problems and, 122
                  resistance to, 266–267, 272, 272e  core competencies, 160, 163         technology and, 121
                  styles of, 435–436                Cornell, Brian, 75                 decision-making process. See also problems
                  technology and, 425–430           corporate rituals, 67                appraisal of outcome following, 116
                  wireless, 427                     corporate social responsibility (CSR). See social   choosing best alternative in, 116, 116e
                  written, 418–419                     responsibility                    explanation of, 113, 113e
                communication barriers              corporate strategy. See also strategies  identifying what is relevant in, 114
                  emotions as, 421e, 422, 424        explanation of, 162                 weighing criteria and analyzing alternatives in,
                  filtering as, 421, 421e            role of operations management in, 477  114–116, 114e, 115e
                  function of, 420, 421e            corporations                       decisions
                  gender as, 421e, 422               global, 84, 85                      implementation of, 116
                  information overload as, 421e, 422  multidomestic, 84, 85              managerial, 124–125, 124e
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