Page 132 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 132
$ { 2 / T 6 1 2 k (the more convenient s.t. is)
- (the more logical a person's way of
(iii) Relative Clause + N CA k
hlrn rb
+.M i).t
Z k fS @ % B Btl 'b A I2 k
thinking is)
- dr < $&s&T $& 12 > (a student who studies harder ; the harder a
. -
. -
E H g student studies)
- - -
- -
: : Zk ItLiil
(a) +RG~/J\sB~~ I3 YE%?& )t Of?,
(The more you nag children, the more they disobey you.)
(b) %~dh2l2 Y&~&P'bb1~
(The quieter it is, the more uneasy I feel.)
(c) kRm < 2 a 13 &&@a < 'b a
(The closer to the station, the higher the rent.)
?A,.?? d$f %riL
(d) iE@Tb I3 Y#o~+F$$c:
(The more I exercise, the worse I feel.)
If& 3
(e) jE~'b~I~Y&$!??Ljtrrfjf?,
(Stronger people tend to strain themselves more.)
(f) %a$$~ab.~c2r$+&$b1,
(Lazier people complain more.)
1. Hodo can express the idea of "the -, the -" as well as "(not) as - as -"
and "so - that -." (e hod0 (DBJG: 135-3811
2. Sentences of the pattern KS(C), which involve noun phrases before
hodo, can be rewritten using the pattern KS(A). For example, (1) is
equivalent to KS(C) in meaning.
(1) %LILff~hf%LL\t3z.t.aB@ffiT < a,
(The harder the job is, the more motivated I become.)