Page 29 - 09 The Trumpets
P. 29


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               worship  of  God,  and  where  the  mystery  of

               iniquity was fast coming into power.

               But  the  end  was  not  yet.  “The  third  angel

               sounded,  and  there  fell  a  great  star  from

               heaven, burning as it were a lamp.” For nearly

               one  hundred  years  previous  to  the  final

               downfall of Rome, the Huns, one of the wildest

               of the Scythian tribes, had pressed upon the

               empire, spreading themselves from the Volga

               to  the  Danube.  For  a  time  they  commanded

               the alternative of peace or war, with both the

               eastern and western divisions of the empire.

               In  the  days  of  Ætius,  a  general  of  the  West,

               sixty thousand Huns marched to the confines

               of  Italy;  but  retreated  when  paid  the  sum

               which they cared to demand. Theodosius, the

               emperor of the East, bought peace by paying
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