Page 2 - 04a The Seven Churhces-Sardis
P. 2


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

                         CHAPTER IV. THE MESSAGE TO THE

                                          CHURCHES - Sardis

               The  message  to  Sardis  is  addressed  to

               Protestantism.  The  period  covered  by

               Thyatira  was  the  era  of  papal  persecution.

               This church was once the church of God, one

               of  the  candlesticks  among  which  the  Son  of

               man  was  seen  to  walk,  but  when  that

               organization  prostituted  itself  by  joining

               hands with the state, when, in other words, it

               followed the example of Balaam and worked

               the works of Jezebel, the oil was withheld from

               the candlestick, and given to those who were

               willing to obey God in preference to the head

               of  the  church.  God  regards  character,  not

               name; and the faithful few to whom the light

               was  entrusted,  were  mentioned  in  a  part  of
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