Page 6 - 04a The Seven Churhces-Sardis
P. 6
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
people and for the people. In the days of
Luther, Germany and the other countries of
Europe, had an opportunity to develop this
twofold nature of Protestantism. For a time it
seemed that all Europe would be transformed;
but gradually, there was a return to papal
principles in Germany, and nearly all of the
other countries, which had espoused the
cause of Protestantism, followed her example.
The return was largely due to the educational
work of the Jesuits, who arose to counteract
the teachings of the Reformers.
Since the days of Wycliffe, there had been in
England followers of God, walking in all the
light which they had received. Upon these God
placed “none other burden”; but as the light
increased, Protestantism in its broadest sense,