Page 5 - 04a The Seven Churhces-Sardis
P. 5


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               particularly applicable in the United States, or

               at least, the United States becomes the center

               for the movement therein mentioned.

               Sardis means “prince of joy”; and the name is

               most appropriate for those who received the

               light of the eighteenth century, and the first

               half of the nineteenth century. Protestantism

               is  an  active,  living  principle,  based  upon

               eternal  truths.  It  came  as  the  result  of  the

               opening  of  the  Scriptures  to  the  common

               people.  The  doctrine  of  justification  by  faith

               makes  every  man  responsible  to  God  alone,

               and necessitates freedom of conscience. When

               it is once made known that every man is equal

               in the sight of God, a deathblow is struck to all

               tyranny in government; and with freedom of

               conscience, comes also a government by the
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