Page 4 - 04a The Seven Churhces-Sardis
P. 4


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               discovery;  inventions  were  multiplied;  men,

               accustomed  to  spending  a  lifetime  in  one

               village, now found the world opening before

               them  through  publications  and  increased

               facilities  for  travel.  Every  branch  of  science

               was            explored,                 governments                       bestirred

               themselves, and the dust of the Middle Ages

               was shaken off. America was discovered and

               settled.  Men  knew  not  why  it  happened  at

               such  a  time  and  under  such  circumstances;

               but God was preparing a cradle for the new-

               born cause of Protestantism. Germany might

               have  nourished  it;  England  had  an

               opportunity  to  cherish  it;  but  it  was  in

               America that the new church found congenial

               environments  for  growth:  and  while  all

               nations  receive  the  Sardis  message,  it  is
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