Page 3 - 04a The Seven Churhces-Sardis
P. 3


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               the message to Thyatira. They were the ones

               who  knew  not  the  works  of  Jezebel.

               These               became                  the           forerunners                     of

               Protestantism. The darkness was first broken

               when  Wycliffe,  “the  morning  star  of  the

               Reformation,”  translated  the  Bible  into  the

               English  language.  The  first  streaks  of  dawn

               lighted up the sky, and in the course of two

               hundred  years,  the  sun  had  arisen  in  its

               splendor.  The  church  came  out  of  the

               wilderness, leaning on the arm of her Beloved.

               The  twelve  hundred  and  sixty  years  of

               darkness  ended.  It  was  like  the  return  of

               spring after a severe winter. Life of every kind

               sprang into existence. Energy, long dormant,

               seemed  suddenly  imbued  with  a  hitherto

               unknown                   activity.              Discovery                  followed
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