Page 69 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 69

Stoners Corner

         The  next morning the owner was a lot more
         open  towards  us,  seeing  what  was  in  the
         sheds and some areas we previously could not
         go. They had been staying on that farm for 6
         generations doing the same things, when that
         farm  started  there  were  no  laws  even  about
         dagga, so for them it has always been legal. It
         was Sunday morning, and we had to get on the

         road early, but the owner said he would invite
         us again next time they get together when we
         are  older and can  really partake in  the  adult

         So fast forward 4 years, I get a call from that
         same  friend  telling  me  we  have  to  go  to  the
         farm, it's been 4 years, and he knows his dad
         is going up and they invited me along again.
         So since then the gathering has
         happened every 4 years with an
         increasing  number  of  people,

         each year each person may only
         bring  1  extra  guest  all  like-
         minded  people  all  just  wanting
         to  learn  more  about  cannabis
         the  event  has  moved  into  the
         surrounding  forest  with  most
         people  camping  but  has  turned
         into  something  unique  and
         amazing 2022 will the first year
         that  the  current  owners  of  the
         farm feel comfortable to hold an
         event  that  is  more  open  to  the
         public  by  selected  invitations
         only  but  2022  will  be  the
         biggest one yet, and in the next
         few  issues  we  will  talk  about
         what  happened  at  the  5  other
         events  and how  this is growing
         to  be  one  of  the  best  cannabis
         workshop’s/        relaxing      party

         weekends we feel very lucky to
         be there from the start, and look
         forward  to  writing  about  it
         finally after all these years.
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