Page 68 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 68

Stoners Corner
                                                                I  remember  thinking  to  myself  back  then

      So during the day we learned that this                  this  was  a  lot  more  pleasant  than  the
      was  a  Hemp/Cannabis  farm  noting                     drunken  behavior  we  were  expecting,  but
      giant  like  we  see  some  places  today,              was  wondering  about  if  this  would  have  a
      but back then this was unheard of, the                  form  of a hangover?  The  owner was  a very
      way they were aiming to be self reliant                 talkative  person  and  the  professor  in  him
      off  the  grid  farm  and  how  well  they              came  out  jokingly a  few  times.  That  night  I
      achieved  it  was  amazing,  up  to  this               guess the brownies helped him speak to us
      point  we  thought  the  owner  was  a                  all  in  significant  detail  on  his  future  vision
      retired  professor.  We  knew  that  the                for hemp and cannabis. We were told about
      adults  were  doing  some  activities                   how they use it for clothing, fuel medication,
      during the day that we could not join,                  relaxation. He was very proud of their ropes
      but thought nothing of it. That night at                grown on the farm. It seemed too good to be
      the fire we sneaked a taste of our first                true almost back then. He saw that me and
      taste  of  what  a  cannabis  brownie                   my  friend  were  under  the  influence  of  his
      should  taste  like.  It  was  an  amazing              brownies  and  lectured  us  a  bit  about  it,
      experience  for  my  busy  mind  to  just               saying  we  should  wait  till  we  older  and
      relax  and  get  so  creative  with  the                experiencing life’s high’s and low’s before we
      melody’s  of  the  music  in  my  head,  at             look at weed, but he spoke to us in such an
      this stage I have only ever been drunk                  open  and  grownup  manner  that  we

      a  handful  of  times  and  stoned  even                respected  him  so  much,  he  said  he  would
      less, this was a different experience in                wake  us  the  next  morning  when  they  milk
      the right setting with the right people,                the cows just to show us that hangover’s did
      and the right music the evening it was                  not happen on this farm; they were up and
      an amazing experience,                                  active before dawn.
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