Page 63 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 63
Stoners Corner
Here are a few more questions from
our Herbe Report Interrogation with
Dem Roots:
Q: Where did your brand's name come
from ?
“Many years ago I practiced
Rastafarianism. I spent some time
living with the Rasta community at
Judah Square in Knysna. The Rasta,
Brother Benjamin who I stayed with
taught me so much but the one thing he
said which has always been with me Q: The one thing you would love to see
was Never forget your roots. It is happen in the Cannabis Community and
them(dem) roots that will give you how does Your brand fit in with this.
direction for your future.” “Well I think legalization would be pretty
cool but with that I would like to see the
community and industry, recognised in
SA as a major contributor to industry,
community as well as health and well-
being. It's up to us, from the small right
to the large businesses to make that
Q: If there was something you could say
to everyone in the ganja game, what
would it be. (your famous ganja phrase,
or saying, words for the masses vibes)
We have only begun in this game and we
have a long way to go. It will not be an
easy one but if we as a community stick
together and push forward there is no
limit to how far we can go….and always