Page 62 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 62
Stoners Corner
Gareth said ,“Dem roots mission is to create
a cannabis inspired clothing and
accessories brand, unique to our South
African community. As our motto goes “Irie
clothing for Irie people”.
And then to support and contribute to the
industry within SA as well as towards the
fight for legalization of our plant.”
We believe that if you work on something
you care about then you don't need to be
pushed into achieving that goal. When you
feel a deep rooted passion and motivation
to do something then that is what you call When we were introduced to Dem Roots
your inspiration. it really hit home. This brand and its
team are promoting beautiful values
In life , your inspiration to start something through their love for cannabis , people
new also needs to be your strongest reason and clothes.
why you’re doing it. We were blessed with the chance to talk
to Gareth,The Founder of Dem Roots, to
Gareth said “My inspiration to start Dem get to know him and his brand a bit
Roots was finding it so difficult to find more!
cool cannabis culture clothing. So I Our optimistic mindset calculates a
decided to create my own” twenty percent chance to focus on the
positive thoughts and crush our goals
everyday. When we changed our
“Dem Roots is about Community. It's all mindset to see the twenty percent
about community. Without the cannabis chance to focus on the positives,
community and the culture that comes accomplishing our goals became an
with it, a brand is just another shop. So to easier task to do! We love to get things
support the community and culture and done even when no one is watching…
provide a brand that is uniquely for them.
By community for community. To support We have first hand experience with
and work alongside other brands in the building a new business from scratch ,
community and create long lasting making countless mistakes and even
working relationships but also lifelong almost giving up if not for a supportive
friendships. Dem Roots is here to educate. circle. We realised the value we were
I saw a saying the other day that says able to bring with this platform and
“Knowledge without action is arrogance”. that’s why we decided we need to sit
There has been such a stigma around down with a few local and international
cannabis for so long people need to be re- brands to get a look into firstly, the
educated about it. If we don't do it who value they are adding to the cannabis
will? It's up to You and Me to pass the community and then secondly , get you ,
stoke. our loyal reader, exclusive behind the
scenes information straight from the
brands themselves!