Page 66 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 66

Stoners Corner

                                                                                   So  one  day  one  of  my
                                                                                   friends  invited  me  to  his
                                                                                   dad’s  birthday  party,  I
                                                                                   thought  nothing  of  it,
                                                                                   except  he  said  we  would
                                                                                   be  away  for  the  entire
                                                                                   weekend. I would have to
                                                                                   tell  my  parents  we  were
                                                                                   going      away      for    the
                                                                                   weekend.  Back  in  1998  I
        Let  me  tell  you  about  a                                               was 17 years old, I got to
        secret,  without  giving                                                   admit  I  am  one  person
        away         too       much                                                who  used  cannabis  as  a
        information,  Daggabay                                                     “youth”.  It  was  back  then
        magazine  got  exclusive                                                   even  comforting  to  me
        rights  to  tease  our                                                     and my busy ADHD mind.
        readers  with  drips  of                                                   Parent's          permission
        information  about  an                                                     received.  We  are  going
        event      that    happens                                                 away for what I think will
        every 4 years from 1998                                                    be a Safari weekend with
        when  it  all  started  at                                                 swimming         and     music
        birthday      party     back                                               game  drives,  well  let  me
        then  we  only  got  the                                                   tell you I learned a lot but
        information  about  how                                                    not  about  animals,  but

        to  use  cannabis  from                                                    about Cannabis or like we
        very few places, most of                                                   called it dagga.
        the  information  in  the
        library’s  were  leaning
        towards  cannabis  being
        a bad “drug” and google
        was  just  born,  and  not
        nearly  as  many  pro
        cannabis pages as today.
        What      little   bits    of
        excellent      information
        were coming at us from
        California  where  they
        had     already      started
        some  cannabis  testing,
        but  little  and  far  in
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