Page 64 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 64
Stoners Corner
You can find Dem Roots by clicking here
Please like them on Facebook (
and give them a follow on
Instagram Those people who do things solely to bring about change will be the ones
looked at and singled out as being crazy
We all need to start somewhere. Think of yet , as crazy as their ideas may seem,
yourself as a seed. Seeds know that in order make a change in the world for the
to grow they need to be dropped in dirt, better.
covered in darkness, and struggle to reach
the light. We hope to see Dem Roots still around in
If you want your mind to grow ( or even 5 years. We need real pioneers and
someone else's) you must first plant a seed. leaders in the cannabis industry.
Think about it ? You already plant seeds
every day , in the world and in others, with What we learnt from their growth :
every thought you think , words you speak Stop making excuses and just freaking do
and actions you take. We have influence and it! Live an irie life with no regrets.
ability to make a change in the world
around us and in the lives of people around
us. Author : Merishce Roberts , Stoner Chick
From Cape Town.