Page 67 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 67
Stoners Corner
We arrived late in the evening that made
it all seem even more insulated, and on The next morning we woke up with the
arrival all the other guests had already entire house already awake and busy
arrived. Some of them were sitting by cooking breakfast, taking showers and
enormous fires making food and just setting up tables and chairs outside.
relaxing and they told us that the owner This was the first time I met the “oom”
and some other guests went to the town he was full of life and so active we could
to get fuel for the generator’s and some not figure out if it was his birthday or
ice. There is a room upstairs we should not. He acted younger than our parents
have ourselves at home, the owner told and almost looked it. At first the owner
them before he left. (Already right there did not understand that me and my
at the fire my friend whispered to me to friend were there, he was only
look at the braai grid looking metal that expecting his father and one other
had some cannabis drying on it!) so friend, but he still made us feel at home
excited to see what this weekend would and even offered us some extra beds
be about we went upstairs and found the outside the house.
room, only 2 beds. We were 4 people and From breakfast I could see that
all the other rooms were full!? Went to something was different, it was the
bed sharing beds while hearing the same farm style cooking but even more
adults play music that I have not heard “homemade”. The bread was fresh and I
before. It was fast beat music with remember the uncle saying something
smooth melodies that just made it all about the butter not being for us kids
seem connected and so peaceful I but did not pay it much attention as I
immediately fell in love with it as the just thought he was being well a
sounds were coming at me through the grownup.
wooden floor as I was drifting asleep.