Page 11 - annualReport_jmm
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      Weak global economies, restrained demand for petroleum products   Despite many challenges, 2002 was a year of progress and positive
      and lower production all took a toll on 2002 earnings. For the year,   change. Perhaps the most important achievement was the successful
      ChevronTexaco reported net income of $1.1 billion, compared with   integration of the operations, organizations and people of Chevron
      $3.3 billion in 2001. The company’s financial results were hurt by   and Texaco. Throughout our global enterprise, we came together as
      $3.3 billion of charges from special items. About $2.3 billion of   a unified company with shared values and a common vision.
      these charges were related to our 26 percent ownership of Dynegy
      Inc., an energy trading company that saw a dramatic decline in   Our employees are in contact with colleagues worldwide – learning
      its market value due to the near collapse of the energy merchant   from each other, developing better ways to operate and quickly
      sector.                                                  applying new ideas throughout the entire enterprise. This empowered
                                                               organization is one of our greatest competitive strengths. Photos,
      Exploration and production income of $4.6 billion was about   top to bottom: Trading floor, London; Kern River oil field, San
      6 percent higher than in 2001, reflecting lower asset write-  Joaquin Valley, California
      downs, which were offset partially by a decline in oil-equivalent
      production and weaker U.S. natural gas prices. Refining, marketing   We also marked several other milestones during the year:
      and transportation posted a loss of nearly $400 million in 2002,
      compared with income of $1.8 billion the previous year. The poor   •  Our exploration program benefited from the best technology,
      2002 results reflected weak margins for refined products, which   processes and practices of the pre-merger companies. Some of
      early in the year fell to their lowest levels in more than a decade.   our most notable successes were achieved in the deep waters
      In chemicals, the combined income of Chevron Oronite, which   of West Africa and the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, including the Usan
      produces additives for fuels and lubricants, and our 50 percent-  and Aparo discoveries offshore Nigeria, the Gabela and Negage
      owned Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC was $86 million,   discoveries  offshore Angola, and the Tahiti and Great White
      compared with a $128 million loss the previous year. Although   discoveries in the Gulf of Mexico.
      results improved, the commodity chemicals industry continues to
      be affected by weak demand and excess manufacturing capacity.

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