Page 14 - annualReport_jmm
P. 14

GLOBAL PORTFOLIO                             CHEVRONTEXACO
                           WORLDWIDE EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION

            A TRUSTED PARTNER                                  KEY FACTS

            Partnership  is  a hallmark  of  our capital-intensive,   •  ChevronTexaco is the world’s fourth-largest
            technology-driven upstream business. To succeed,      publicly traded, integrated energy company based
            a company must be able to work effectively  with      on oil-equivalent reserves and production.
            its  peers, contractors,  host governments  and local
            communities. ChevronTexaco is widely recognized as   •  The company’s crude oil and natural gas reserves
            an upstream partner of choice – a reputation built on   totaled nearly 12 billion barrels of oil-equivalent at
            trust, broad experience, exceptional skills in project   year-end 2002.
            management, outstanding technical resources,
            and  the  proven  ability  to  run  safe,  reliable  and   •  Our production averaged 2.6 million barrels of oil-
            environmentally responsible operations. In addition,   equivalent per day in 2002.
            we are well known for our skill and demonstrated
            success  in managing  new projects,  including  the        We are:
            economic and political  aspects associated  with    •  the No. 1 oil and gas producer in the U.S. Gulf of
            operating in many energy-rich regions of the world.   Mexico Shelf and No. 2 in the Permian Basin;
            We believe these capabilities differentiate us from our
            competitors and strengthen our ability to build and   •  the No. 1 oil producer in the San Joaquin Valley
            manage a strong portfolio of global assets that deliver   in California;
            superior performance.
                                                                •  the No. 1 oil and natural gas producer in Kazakhstan
                                                                •  the No. 1 oil producer in Indonesia and Angola;
                                                                •  the No. 1 natural gas resource holder in Australia;
                                                                •  the No.1 deepwater leaseholder and No. 3 oil and
                                                                  gas producer in Nigeria;
                                                                •  one of the top producers and leaseholders in the
                                                                  deepwater Gulf of Mexico.

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