Page 12 - annualReport_jmm
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•  For the 10th consecutive year, we added more oil-    In  everything  we do,  we are  guided  by  our commitment  to
           equivalent  proved  reserves  than  we  produced.  Through   conduct our business in a responsible and ethical manner. We
           discoveries, acquisitions and other additions, we replaced   respect the law, support universal human rights, protect the
           114 percent of our 2002 production.                 environment and benefit the communities in which we operate.
       •  We added significant amounts of proved reserves to our   By holding firm to our values, we are moving toward our vision
           natural gas resource base and made progress on several   of being the global energy company most admired for its people,
           major projects. For example, ChevronTexaco and five other   partnership and performance.
           participants in Australia’s North West Shelf Venture signed
           a conditional 25-year contract with the People’s Republic   It is no accident that people are listed first in our vision statement.
           of China to supply up to 3 million metric tons a year of   Our diverse global work force is the most important factor in our
           liquefied natural gas (LNG) for the proposed Guangdong   success, and I applaud the 53,000 employees of ChevronTexaco
           LNG project in southern China.                      for their contributions. It is through their work that the company
                                                               is welcomed around the world and has become a partner of
       •  In the Caspian region, we moved forward to improve   choice in some of the most important projects in the energy
           both our production and transportation systems. Our   industry. And it is through the work of ChevronTexaco people
           Tengizchevroil  (TCO) partnership increased  production   that we will prove we are up to the challenge of delivering the
           for the ninth consecutive year. Also, in the second half of   performance our stockholders expect of us and we expect of
           the year, TCO was able to transport all its crude oil through   ourselves.
           the more cost-effective Caspian Pipeline Consortium’s
           935-mile (1,505-kilometer) pipeline to Novorossiysk,
           a Russian port on the Black Sea. In 2003, we expect to
           complete a second pipeline, which will link our 20 percent-
           owned Karachaganak Field to the Caspian pipeline.
                                                               DAVE O’REILLY
       •  The company’s annual dividend payment increased for   Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
           the 15th consecutive year, reflecting our commitment to   March 7, 2003
           provide a superior return on our stockholders’ investment.


        I am proud of the progress we made in our first year as
        ChevronTexaco. As we look to the future, we are facing the
        uncertainty of a struggling global economy. Yet, there are
        extraordinary opportunities for a company with our capabilities.

        ChevronTexaco is a major player in the global energy industry.
        And we are focused on our most important financial objective
        – to be No. 1 among our largest global competitors in total
        stockholder return for the period 2000 through 2004.
        We have an active, independent Board of Directors that brings a
        wealth of experience to this important role – including expertise
        in government, education, industrial manufacturing, consumer
        products and high technology. The integrity, knowledge and   As an organization that operates in more than 180 countries, we learn from and respect
        perspectives of our Board are invaluable to ChevronTexaco as   the cultures in which we work. Our global work force represents a rich variety of ideas,
                                                               talents and experiences. We recognize that such diversity strengthens us and
        we make decisions that will enable us to achieve our ambitious   enhances our ability to deliver results.
        goals. Our company values, too, are essential as we pursueour

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