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President and CEO
Roy B. Garfinkel, LS [ president’s message ]
Executive Board
Jeremy E. Thompson, LS
Executive Vice President Training and Traditions
Steven J. Willard, LS I have come to realize just how fortunate I was to be trained
Vice President
Scott A. Gillis, LS, Treasurer by a couple of intelligent, diligent and responsible surveyors at
Scott B. Allen, LS, Secretary the start of my surveying career. When I started at Costich
Daniel E. Marvin, LS Engineering and Land Surveying in 1988 in Rochester, NY, my
Executive Director
first two Party Chiefs were Mike Venturo and Jay Finkelstein.
Board of Trustees Both were very knowledgeable and very patient, two qualities of
Robert R. Allen, LS a mentor that are really helpful to anyone that is trying to learn. I
J. Steven Boddecker, LS
Patricia P. Brooks, LS thank them whole heartedly for taking the time to teach me, and more importantly, to teach
Gregory J. de Bruin, LS, PE me “right”. The “right” part would become more evident later in life as I witnessed the
John R. Ennis, LS “different” ways some others practiced land surveying.
R. Ronald Kreiling, LS
Joseph G. Malinowski, LS Now, I am not throwing anyone under the bus. There are many excellent surveyors out
Daniel E. Marvin, LS there and many who just have their “own way of doing things”. But let’s face it, you are only
Daren L. Morgan, LS
Robert A. Smith, LS as good as the training and mentoring you are exposed to. I have witnessed bright young
Edwin A. Summerhays, LS survey candidates come out of school with a head of steam only to land in a spot where their
Gary L. Thompson, LS training was less than spectacular, and they ended up with limited and sometimes
Glennon J. Watson, LS questionable skills. In these situations, the trainee is not to blame, it is the trainer that has
Marie T. Welch, LS
the responsibility to do their best to demonstrate and proliferate the proper skills and
NYSAPLS Headquarters procedures to ensure that quality and professional character is utilized and passed on. This
146 Washington Avenue is where the tradition part comes in. By passing on the knowledge and GOOD PRACTICES,
Land Surveyors Building
Albany, NY 12210 we build a tradition of sound professional practice. It takes work, patience and diligence,
518-432-4046 but WOW the dividends for a business and the profession are enormous. Over the years, with the companies I have worked for, training and keeping a steady chain
of passing on a system of knowledge and good practice has been a challenge, and these days
Editor-in-Chief &
Managing Director it seems to be even more challenging. With workforce issues, remote workers and
Amber Carpenter employees not staying around to have long term careers with the same company, it is difficult to perpetuate consistent practices and procedures. It can be a struggle to keep a ladder
Director of Operations intact that ensures the passing down of traditions and knowledge. Good training takes time
Heather Schultz and really requires hands on guidance. Having the time to do the hands on guidance is
something we just have to find a way to fit into our busy schedules and budgets. Which is
Administrative Assistant easier said than done.
Sharon O'Brien I guess the point of this little blurb would be that I am truly thankful for those that have
taken the time give me guidance and have passed their knowledge on to me. I try to pay that
back by passing along what I have learned to others coming up. I strongly encourage you to
Affiliated Associations
Allegheny Plateau Association of Profes- take the time to pass along your survey wisdom to those who come behind you. Keep up the
sional Land Surveyors | Black River Valley traditions of good practice and procedures by having a sound system of training and hands
Association of Professional Land Surveyors
| Catskill Area Association of Land Sur- on mentoring.
veyors | Central New York Society of Land
Surveyors | City Surveyors Association Establishing and maintaining a consistent system of good practices and procedures is vital
of Greater New York | Delaware-Hudson to a company’s long term success. Effectively passing those good practices and procedures
Land Surveyors Association, Inc | Eastern
New York Society of Land Surveyors, Inc | along through the years is essential to a company’s very survival.
Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association
| Long Island Association of Land Surveyors
Inc | Mid-Hudson Valley Association of
Land Surveyors | Mohawk Valley Society of Roy B. Garfinkel, LS
Professional Land Surveyors | Nassau-Suffolk NYSAPLS President
Civil Engineers Inc | Niagara Frontier Land
Surveyors Association | Northern New York
Association of Land Surveyors | Southern “I tell you and you forget.
Finger Lakes Association of Professional I show you and you remember.
Land Surveyors | Southern Tier Association
of Land Surveyors | Surveyors Association I involve you and you understand.”
of Queensboro Inc | Westchester-Putnam – Eric Butterworth
Association of Professional Land Surveyors