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NYSAPLS Committees:                  LSPAC                                Ad-Hoc Minimum Standards
        Conference Committee                   J. Steven Boddecker, LS, Chair       Jason Larson, LS, Chair
          Kenneth Stigner, LS, PP, Chair       Richard Brooks, LS, Treasurer        Scott Allen, LS
          Michael Bogardus, LS                 Scott Gillis, LS                     Roy Garfinkel, LS
          Nicholas Burgher, LS                 Jason Graf, LS                       Saeid Jalilvand, LS
          Scott Gillis, LS                     Roy Garfinkel, LS                    James Vianna, LS
          C. Howard Johannessen, LS            Gary Thompson, LS                    Daniel Weaver, LS
          Greg Koester, LS                     Steven Willard, LS                 Ad-Hoc DOT Relations Committee
          Brian Magee, LS
                                             Membership                             James Thew, LS, Chair
        Constitution & Bylaws                  Nik Decker, Chair                    Robert Capucilli, LS
          Steven Willard, LS, Chair            Donald Stedge, LS                    Mark DeLor, LS
          David Cheshire, LS                   Gary Thompson, LS                    Daniel Hickok, LS
          Marshall Wilson, LS                  Jon Thompson, LS                   2022 NYSAPLS Auxiliary Officers:

        Education                            Nominating & Awards                    Barbara Marvin – President
          William Eggers, LS, Chair            Glennon Watson, LS, Chair            Elaine de Bruin – Vice President
          Thomas Cerchiara, Jr., LS            J. Steven Boddecker, LS              Lauren Edsall – Secretary
          Kevin Hanley, LS                     Francis Russell, LS                  Beverly Morgan – Treasurer
          Adolf Jonietz, LS                    Marie Welch, LS                      Are you interested in becoming more
          Jason Larson, LS                     Scott Williams, LS                 actively involved? We are looking for members
          Daniel Marvin, LS                    Kaleb Winters, LS                  to share their “stories” and help us promote
                                                                                  the profession. Did you company recently
          Jonathan Schmidt, LS               NSPS Representation                  work on an interesting project? Did your
          Jeremy Thompson, LS                                                     regional get together to help out the
                                               Patricia Brooks, LS, Chair
        Ethical Practices                      Richard Brooks, LS                 community? Did your son or daughter earn a
                                                                                  Surveying Merit Badge? Are you mentoring a
          Scott Allen, LS, Chair               Jonathan Schmidt, LS               student over the summer with an internship?
          Joanne Darcy Crum, LS, Esq.          Brian N. Skalman, LS               Help us get out the word on how land
          Michael McCully, LS                Public Relations                     surveying is important to the community!
          Brian Oakes, LS                      Lemuel Morrison, LS, Chair         Contact Heather Schultz to share your news,
          Christopher Scott, LS                Robert Capucilli, LS     
          David Zigler, LS                                                          PS – Want to see your article published in
                                               Stephen Miller, LS                 our member magazine? Email me your ideas,
        Finance Committee                      Jennifer Reap, LS        
          Scott Gillis, LS, Chair              James Thew, LS                     From our office to yours, Happy Holidays!
          J. Steven Boddecker, LS            Strategic Planning                   Sincerely,
          Gregory de Bruin, LS, PE             Gregory de Bruin, LS, PE, Chair
          Daniel Marvin, LS                    Adolf Jonietz, LS
          Jeremy Thompson, LS                                                     Amber Carpenter
                                               Kenneth Stigner, LS, PP            Managing Director
        Legislative Committee                Young Professionals
          Jason Graf, LS, Chair                Timothy Massi, LS, Chair
          Patricia Brooks, LS                  Keith Burley
          Gerard Emborski, LS                  Jacqueline Dresser, LS
          Duane Frymire, LS
                                               Jason Graf, LS
          Jason Larson, LS                     Michael Lewis, LS
          Michael Vetere, III, LS
                                               Ashley Metz
                                               Matthew Palmer, LS
                                               Jason Peterson, LS

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