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Summer of Surveying 2022:

        Public Relations Campaign Recap

        You can take the surveyor out of the office, but you can never                       On the left you can see one
        take the surveyor out of the field. All summer long, members                         of the MVPs of the campaign
        and engaged professionals proved that no matter where you                            where the New  York State
        are, you are always wearing your surveyor’s cap, with your                           Association of Professional
        eyes peeled seeking the next mark. The #BenchmarkHunt                                Land Surveyors saw its most
        Campaign NYSAPLS launched in the summer of 2022                                      successful organic post yet,
        showed our profession’s unrelenting quest for adventure.                             reaching  more  than  12,000
        The #BenchmarkHunt was a new feature of our PR                                       people on Facebook. Check
        Committee’s “Summer of Surveying” efforts on NYSAPLS’                                out the benchmark at the
        social media platforms. Focusing on benchmarks located                               top of this depression-era
        throughout the United States, the campaign called upon                               oil painting created by Hal
        surveyors and members to send in photos of survey                                    Shelton in 1940 depicting
        benchmarks spotted along their summer travels. From across                           mapping techniques used in
        the Northeast, to Arizona, down to Mickey Mouse in Florida,                          the early days of cartography.
        NYSAPLS received dozens of submissions. These submissions                            We had members capture
        were accompanied by stories of family vacations and     benchmark images from all over the globe, including our
        picturesque  landscape  photos.  The  overwhelming  response   furthest submission from Enver Julardzija in Mallorca, Spain!
        just proved that a surveyor is never truly “out of office.”   NYSAPLS Member Christopher Schuler, went where many
        The campaign was launched in the month of August, setting   New Yorker’s  go,  but  few  have  the chance  to  stop  and  take
        record rates of engagement on NYSAPLS social pages.     look. Chris had the opportunity to capture a benchmark at
        Across the board, engagement numbers on Facebook were   entrance of the Holland Tunnel leading to New York City while
        up significantly. During the month of August, key highlights   surveying in the tunnel!
        from the campaign:

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