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[ member news ]
Welcome New NYSAPLS Members!
Thank you for joining our amazing team of professional licensees,
technicians, students, thinkers, leaders, professors, volunteers, and
all-around good people! Watch for your new member kit in the mail.
In addition, one of our membership committee members will be
contacting you by phone to welcome you.
Joshua L. Colella, Syracuse, NY – Associate Member NYSAPLS Attends
Todd B. Dawidowicz, West Hartford, CT – Corresponding Member CTE Works Expo
David Eadie, Spencerport, NY – Associate Member On behalf of the New York State
Mark R. Graminski, Red Hook, NY – Regular Member Association of Professional Land
Surveyors, James Thew, a member
Matthew H. Haag, Islip, NY – Associate Member our Public Relations Committee
Kate Jonietz, Clintondale, NY – Associate Member exhibited at the Washington-
Christopher B. Keefe, Ghent, NY – Associate Member Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-
Jameel S. Khan, Valley Stream, NY– Associate Member Essex (WSWHE) BOCES CTE
Randall J. McGloin, Warwick, NY – Associate Member Works Expo held at the Saratoga
Daniel D. Nellis, Stratford, NY – Associate Member City Center in Saratoga, New
York on October 4, 2022. The
Catherine M. Peterkin, Pleasantville, NY – Associate Member CTE Works Expo is designed
Ted S. Pitera, Lewiston, NY – Associate Member to highlight the multitude of
Zachary T. Strandberg, Oceanside, NY – Associate Member career opportunities throughout
Aleksandr V. Takshaitov, Kew Gardens, NY – Corresponding Member the region to 8th and 9th grade students within the WSWHE
BOCES region. In excess of 800 students attended the Expo and
Thomas C. Vona, West Monroe, NY – Associate Member were briefly exposed to a variety of trades and professions.
Congratulations New Licensees! NYSAPLS had a robotic total station and digital level setup that
provided the students an opportunity to use a data collector
NYSAPLS would like to congratulate the following individual(s) who and locate various features in the exhibit hall, and perform
have been granted the title of “Land Surveyor” as an official licensee differential leveling, respectively. Topographic and boundary
in the state of New York: retracement mapping was displayed to demonstrate the
Joel B. Hicks 51182 Huntersville, NC relationship between the field survey and the final deliverable.
Matthew R. Hilling 51183 Susquehanna, PA There was also a scrolling slide show that displayed terrestrial,
Michael J. Silva 51184 Mineola, NY mobile and airborne remote sensing technology utilized by
Surveyors to capture spatial information.
Nicholas W. Myers 51185 Bridgeport, NY
The Expo organizers did a tremendous job keeping maintaining
Paul D. Bragger 51186 Watertown, NY
a steady flow of students to each of the exhibitor booths. The
All new licensees are granted a complimentary 1-year NYSAPLS students that took advantage of the hands-on demonstration
membership and will be honored at the Awards Ceremony during were genuinely interested in exploring a career in surveying.
the NYSAPLS Annual Surveyors Conference. The instructor for the BOCES Natural Resources class is
coordinating with NYSAPLS Headquarters to schedule a “Survey
Member Benefit Reminder: Free Webinars! Day” for his students, which will provide an opportunity to
showcase the land surveying profession in greater detail.
The NYSAPLS Finance Committee has received approval from the
NYSAPLS Board of Directors to once again offer our members TWO Are you receiving our NYSAPLS’ E-newsletters?
(2) FREE 1-hour 1st Friday Webinar for the 2022-2023 dues year as
an added member benefit ($98 value). A coupon including the promo Are you receiving our weekly and monthly updates? We send
code will be sent to you after your membership has been renewed. If our latest updates via email including membership updates
you miss placed your coupon, contact our office for the promo code. and upcoming events as well as our establish e-newsletters:
Promo code valid for use towards two 1-hour First Friday webinars Headquarters Updates, Upcoming Events, and Legislative Update.
only. Must be used by 6/30/23. Offer not redeemable for cash or future If you are not receiving these updates, be sure to check
credit. Not valid towards previous purchases. May not be combined your spam/junk folders and add our staff email addresses to
with any other coupons or discounts. May not be transferred. your contacts.