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members who have not yet renewed. The committee discussed   As we approach the holiday season, we wouldn’t want to miss an
        creating an Associate Member Appreciation Day to highlight associate   opportunity to extend a very special thanks to our dedicated volunteers.
        members. In addition, the committee reviewed promotional materials   Because of your efforts, our association continues to thrive and evolve. On
        for a new benefit to offer to members through National Purchasing   behalf of the NYSAPLS staff, I’d like to especially acknowledge our officers,
        Partners – which is now available to all NYSAPLS members. See page   board, trustees and committee members for your amazing efforts this past
        10 for more details.                                    year. You make each one of our jobs interesting, fun, challenging and
          Nominations: The committee has not met this month. However, if   worthwhile. It has been such a pleasure working with you all for another
        you have someone in mind that may make a good officer or award   year! We couldn’t do what we do without you. Thank you!
        candidate in the future, please be sure to reach out to our office. The   NYSAPLS Officers:
        Award Nomination form can be found in the center insert of this issue   Roy B. Garfinkel, LS – President
        or download it online at:
                                                                 Jeremy E. Thompson, LS – Executive Vice President
          Public Relations: The committee’s recap of their “Summer of   Steven J. Willard, LS – Vice President
        Surveying” campaign, including the “Benchmark Hunt” can be found
        on page 12 of this issue. The committee has recently launched   Scott A. Gillis – Treasurer
        “Surveyor’s Corner” – a short series of YouTube videos on surveying   Scott B. Allen – Secretary
        related topics, that answer the most commonly asked questions from   Daniel E. Marvin, LS – Executive Director
        the public. You can find more details including the first video “When
        to Update Your Surveyor” on our YouTube channel here: https://youtu.  NYSAPLS Board of Directors:
        be/5PEOAsZip9c. Additional videos will continue to be posted   Allegheny Plateau: Todd Stauring, LS; Michael Roeske, LS
        throughout the year, on topics such as: How to Read Your Survey Map;   Black River: Robert Snyder, LS; Howard Lyndaker, III, LS
        Steps to Take if there is a Boundary Dispute; How to get a Flood   Catskill: Joanne Darcy Crum, LS; Jon Thompson, LS
        Elevation Certificate; and What to do if Someone Removes your   Central: Douglas Reith, LS; David Bardoun, LS
        Boundary Marker. Stay tuned for more updates!
                                                                 City: Saeid Jalilvand, LS; Lemuel Morrison, LS
          Strategic Planning Committee: The committee is setting up   Delaware Hudson: Donald Stedge, LS; Margaret Hillriegel, LS
        meetings with each of the committees who have tasks assigned within
        the draft 2023-2025 strategic plan document. They are hopeful of an   Eastern: Brie Strom, LS; Jason Peterson, LS
        adoption of the plan at the November 18  Board of Directors meeting.   Genesee Valley: Justin Roloson, LS; Matthew Palmer, LS
          Young Professionals Committee: The committee met at the   Long Island: John Abruzzo, LS; Martin Read, LS
        Embassy Suites, Saratoga Springs on September 16 . The committee   Mid-Hudson: Nicole Kalicicki, LS, Nicholas Burgher, LS
        had a lengthy discussion on the future of the YP Social Networking   Mohawk Valley: Duane Frymire, LS; Andrew Bailey, LS
        forums. They reviewed the audience they’d like to reach and what   Nassau Suffolk: Scott Gillis, LS; Daniel Weaver, LS
        topics would be of most interest. The committee decided to rebrand   Niagara Frontier: Brian Skalman, LS; Joshua Graf, LS
        the forums to a “Professional Development Series,” which includes 3   Northern: Scott Allen, LS; Robert Marvin, Jr., LS
        courses throughout the year, ending with the YP Committee Social at
                              conference, for networking. They also   Southern Finger Lakes: Gary Thompson, LS
                                  worked on their plans to offer a YP   Southern Tier: Craig Hewes, LS; Brian Bush, LS
                                    Social at the conference, along   Queensboro: Rodger Hess, LS; Robert Castillo, LS
                                      with hosting the “Field    Westchester-Putnam: C. Richard Moravec, LS; Steven Willard, LS
                                       Olympics”. The committee
                                       reviewed strategic plan draft   NYSAPLS Trustees:
                                       and the tasks assigned to   Robert R. Allen, LS       Daniel E. Marvin, LS
                                       them. They prepared
                                       feedback to share with the   J. Steven Boddecker, LS  Daren L. Morgan, LS
                                      strategic committee.        Patricia P. Brooks, LS     Robert A. Smith, LS
                                     Want to learn more?          Gregory J. de Bruin, LS, PE  Edwin A. Summerhays, LS
                                Full committee minutes are        John R. Ennis, LS          Gary L. Thompson, LS
        published on our website on each of our committees’ pages    R. Ronald Kreiling, LS  Glennon J. Watson, LS
        (   Joseph G. Malinowski, LS  Marie T. Welch, LS
        Login and check them out today!
                                                                                                       continued on page 7
                                       EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 58 • NO 6/ 2022 • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER   5
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