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NSCE Holds Summer Social
By Scott Gills, LS, NSCE President
After a three year hiatus due to weather
and the Covid19 pandemic, Nassau-
Suffolk Civil Engineers was finally able
to host its Summer Social again on
September 9th.
The weather was spectacular and the
waters were calm as we took a boat ride
from Captree Island in the Great South
Bay to the renowned Flynn’s restaurant
on Fire Island. As the ferry motored Control Point Associates Acquires
along, we were treated to a gorgeous
sunset, quickly followed by the rising of Brooks & Brooks, LS, PC
a full Harvest Moon in a cloudless sky. Control Point Associates, Inc. and Brooks and Brooks Land
Friday nights on Fire Island and at Flynn’s Surveyors, P.C. are pleased to announce the purchase of Brooks
are usually pretty lively. Since we were a & Brooks Land Surveyors, P.C. This prestigious Highland, New
few days past Labor Day, the unofficial York based company provides traditional land surveying services,
end of summer for Fire Island, it was geographic information services (GIS), land planning services,
pleasantly calm. We had 42 in attendance, expert testimony, and litigation support services to public and
including NYSAPLS Staff and families private clients. Primarily serving the Mid-Hudson Valley and
(Olivia Carpenter was the Junior Belle Catskill Mountain regions of New York State, this strategic location
of the Ball) and two NYSAPLS Trustees. will provide a local presence for our clients. “This is a tremendous
Dinner was highlighted by lobster, prime addition to our firm”, states CEO and Managing Partner, Richard
rib and those nifty little bibs you get to protect A. Butkus, Jr. “It allows us to expand our geographic coverage by
you while cracking open the crustaceans. After having a Hudson Valley office while complementing our array of
dinner, we met some of the local wildlife (deer, mapping and geospatial services. It also gives us the opportunity
fox) during a walk to the beach to see and hear to better serve our valued clients, more effectively.”
the crashing surf under the moonlit sky. After The group, led by Patricia Brooks, LS and Richard Brooks, LS,
the oohs and aahs subsided, the shell collecting has been servicing the community for over 100 years. “Rick and
began and some very nice souvenirs were found. I are pleased to announce that we will soon become the Hudson
The boat ride back gave us time to connect with Valley branch office for Control Point Associates. We are very
those we hadn’t and it was all over too soon. excited to be aligning ourselves with a larger firm that provides
We are drumming up ideas and scouting locations for next year’s a like-minded approach, with additional resources to better serve
NSCE Summer Social, stay tuned. our clients, and allows us more time to work individually with
our clients.”
NEW Membership Benefit! This acquisition of Brooks and Brooks, represents the continuing
Evolution of Land Surveying.
The NYSAPLS Membership Committee has
partnered with National Purchasing Partners (NPP) to give
NYSAPLS members access to business, employee and personal Member Blog: Real-Time GNSS Corrections
discounts. NPP is a member benefit provider of NYSAPLS, NYSAPLS Member, Jason Evans, has authored a series of blog
Inc., and helps members reduce costs with exclusive pricing. posts discussing real-time GNSS corrections. From choosing
Members will be able to save on many useful brands, including the right tools to postprocessed vs. real-time corrections, site
Office Depot, Staples, Batteries + Bulbs, Sherwin-Williams, calibrations and more, he goes in-depth on how surveyors can
Airgas, Priceline, Verizon (if eligible), and so much more. You can maximize productivity and profitability while following practical
view some more information on some of the savings on page 10 of considerations. Jason is a current NYS Licensed Land Surveyor
this issue. You can also view the full catalog of offers by signing up and a Portfolio Manager for Trimble Position Services.
at You can check out the series online here:
Once you sign up with NPP, you will receive a verification email.
When your account is verified, just log in and explore the catalog Or download the entire blog as a PDF e-book here:
of offers. NPP membership is free and there is no obligation to buy.
If you need help registering, please contact customerservice@ Evansblogseries2022.pdf or 800.810.3909. continued on page 11