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[ short takes ] Associate Member Spotlight
Surveyor Says! The NSPS Derek M. Stein
Podcast NYSAPLS Associate Member
Regional: Southern Finger Lakes
NSPS 10/6/2022 Association of Professional Land
The latest episode of “Surveyor Surveyors
Hunt Engineers, Architects, Surveyors
Says! The NSPS Podcast” dives Horseheads, NY
into the business of surveying, and
more specifically cutting-edge software that helps run “Being new to the land surveying world you’re not too sure
a geospatial business more efficiently. Your host, Tim what to expect besides what they teach you in school. Once
Burch, sat down with Kai Duebbert, a second-generation you step foot into the workforce, that broad horizon of what
surveyor who founded Kompass BMS, a software you are taught quickly expands. Working for Hunt EAS, I
company offering a business management package have been able to expand my skills and knowledge with all
for geospatial organizations. Kai and Tim discuss the different types of surveying styles and techniques quite rapidly.
Those styles and techniques range from boundary, topographic
importance of tracking and managing business metrics, and planimetric surveys to laying out building corners or even
scheduling routines to help maximize efficiencies, and a whole solar field. With that in mind, it pushes me to gain the
ease of use so all team members fall into good project experience I need to work toward licensure to become a
management habits. They also discussed the importance professional land surveyor one day. Furthermore, Hunt also
of surveyors continuing their education as their roles provides us with the opportunity to be a part of anything
change and become focused on more business tasks and related to our field of work and is partially the reason I chose
staff management. You can check out the software at to be an Associate Member of NYSAPLS.” today, be sure to let them know
you heard about it here on “Surveyor Says! The NSPS Seth D. Lovell, LSIT
Podcast.” NYSAPLS Associate Member
Regional: Southern Finger Lakes
Check out all episodes of the NSPS Podcast at: https:// Association of Professional Land
Hunt Engineers, Architects, Surveyors
NSPS MOVING SALE! Manual Horseheads, NY
of Surveying Instructions “My name is Seth Lovell LSIT. I have worked at Hunt-EAS for
(2009) 9 years full-time and a few years prior as an intern. My job
NSPS 10/6/2022 title is Survey Party Chief. For the past 4 years, I have worked
For a limited time, purchase the primarily as a one-person crew focusing mostly on survey
Manual for $49.95 including activities related to environmental remediation. Having a
shipping (normally $75 + shipping) A must for any land NYSAPLS Associate Membership has proven beneficial in
keeping up-to-date on important survey topics, including
surveyor’s library, priced to sell!
current licensure requirements. The information conveyed
The Manual has guided the original surveys and through the bi-monthly publications and emails from
resurveys of the Public Lands, first through the General NYSAPLS staff is always useful. I would strongly encourage
Land Office, and since 1946, through the Bureau of Associate Membership to anyone working toward licensure or
Land Management, Department of the Interior. While anyone in the survey profession looking for a valuable resource
not written specifically for non-Federal surveyors, the to stay informed.”
principles contained in the Manual on the subject of
retracement are an integral part of private surveying in A special thank you to Hunt Engineers, Architects,
the 30 Public Land States. Further, many States have Surveyors for sponsoring the Associate membership
formally adopted the Manual in statute, rule, and/ dues for their staff members and encouraging their
or case law as guidance for private licensed surveyors. participation in our organization!
Thus, the book is a fundamental piece of the complex Would you like to feature your staff in our Associate Spotlight
subject of boundary surveys here in the United States. reach out to
Visit to order and scroll
down to BOOKS.