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[ member news , continued]

        Reminder - NYS Education Department’s Office                             Did you know NSPS has a Stolen
        of Profession’s Advisory Notice: Regulatory                              Equipment Registry?
        Amendments approved and Effective January 1,                             You can view the current registry at
        2022 for Engineering, Land Surveying and Geology               

        The New  York State Board of Regents approved regulatory   To report stolen equipment, please provide the following
        amendments in engineering, land surveying and geology that   information by email to
        are effective January 1, 2022. These regulatory amendments   1.  Description of Instruments including Serial Number
        offer greater flexibility by updating and modernizing     2.  Location where equipment was stolen, include nearest
        the continuing education requirements for professional       Town and State
        engineers and land surveyors while implementing continuing
        education  requirements  for   professional  geologists.    3.  Date stolen
        For a detailed view of the regulatory amendments, see     4.  Contact person to provide information, include phone
        the  Regulations of  the  Commissioner  on their website  at     and/or email
        Below is a summary of the major regulatory changes:      Revised “Find a Surveyor” Webpage Designed to
          •  The continuing education requirements may be completed   Help Prospective Clients Find You
            via courses of learning or in live classes as determined by the   Recently, the NYSAPLS Public Relations Committee focused on
            licensee, provided that the continuing education is completed   how to best update our website to help the public find a land
            through a Department-approved sponsor and is in an   surveyor. Along with our city and county search, updates were
            acceptable subject area                              made to allow website visitors to search for a land surveyor by:
                                                                 radius (powered by google maps) and type of work performed.
          •  Professional engineers, land surveyors and professional
            geologists may now complete their continuing education in   We need your help to ensure these search features perform correctly.
            additional subject areas, including architecture, landscape   Please login to your member profile and verify your information
            architecture, and interior design.                   is correct. In particular, please navigate to the “edit bio” section
          •  Six hours of “carry over” credit may now be used from one   be sure to complete the steps below:
            registration period to another, within certain parameters.  1. Validate your address

                                                                 Scroll to your home and professional address. If you see a
        NYSAPLS Minimum Technical Standards (MTS)                icon, click on the symbol and validate your address by selecting the
        Committee to Host a FREE Webinar: Review of the          appropriate USPS address and clicking “use selected” to save. You
        Current Draft Standards                                  should then see a    icon, meaning your address has been validated
        Friday, December 9, 12:00pm – 1:00pm                     and you will now be able to be “found” in our find a surveyor search.
        Join the NYSAPLS Minimum  Technical Standards (MTS)      2. Update your “Type of Work Performed”
        Committee for a free webinar event. The committee will   Check the boxes of any the services you provide, such as:
        review the current MTS draft section by section and review
        why they felt the language was important. Frequently asked   •  ALTA/NSPS Land Title   •  Oil/Gas Well Surveying
        questions and common misconceptions will be addressed. In    Surveying                •  Forensic Surveying
        addition, they will give a brief recap of the committee’s efforts   •  Boundary Surveying  •  Land Planning
        to date and what to expect next. Attendees who have ideas for   •  Topographic Surveying  •  GIS Surveying Applications
        alternative language that will still maintain the objectives of re-  •  Construction Site Surveying  •  LiDAR & Remote Sensing
        traceability and accountability are encouraged to submit written   •  Flood Elevation Certificate   •  Photogrammetry
        suggestions to the committee before and during the webinar for   Surveying
        consideration. This is a continuance of the committee’s efforts   •  Hydrographic Surveying  •  Laser Scanning
        to keep open and friendly dialogue between members and
        colleagues. Register online at
                                                                 Committee Updates

                                                                 Did you know ALL of our committees have a webpage with
                                                                 meeting minutes and other member resources? We post brief
                                                                 monthly updates for all committees in our HQ news feature. But
                                                                 if you’re looking for more details, visit our website committee
                                                                 pages and see what they’ve been up to!

                                      EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 58 • NO 6/ 2022 • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER   11
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