Page 6 - NYS_ESS_11-2022
P. 6

[ message from
                  headquarters ]

                              We are delighted to (finally) announce our plans for   session in New York, similar to the session in MA. They
                            the NYSAPLS 64  Annual Conference and Exhibition, to be  reviewed school listings on the NYSAPLS website and
                            held IN-PERSON January 18-20, 2023 at the Turning   agreed the page needed updating. They also reviewed the
                            Stone Resort & Casino in Verona, NY. See our center   strategic plan’s working draft and discussed the tasks
                            insert for full registration details!        assigned to their committee. The committee’s next meeting
                              Over the last couple months, your headquarters staff,   is scheduled for October 19 .
                            committees and board of directors kept busy with several   Ethics Committee: The committee’s last meeting was
                            ongoing projects:                            held October 5 . They reviewed two open cases (one
                              Executive Board: The board met on October 13 .   on-going investigation and one new complaint). They will
                            They reviewed the overall association’s budget and   be making a formal recommendation to the Board of
                            received committee updates from several of the   Directors to act one of the cases at the November 18
                            committees (see committee updates below). The board   Board meeting. Scott provided the committee with a draft
                            discussed our efforts on the CST program, CFP program   outline for an ethical education session for consideration
                            and a general discussion on workforce development.   at the previous meeting. The committee agreed the
                            President Garfinkel brought up the topic of survey degree   outline looked good and will share it with the NYSAPLS
                            programs in NYS and a discussion followed on how we   Education Committee and our Legal Counsel for their
                            could possibly get more involved with the process of   feedback and collaboration. You can find the minutes of
                            creating more opportunities.                 the meeting on our website. Their next meeting is
                                                                         scheduled as a conference call on November 15 .
                              Board of Directors: The board met last on for
                            September 16  at the Embassy Suites in Saratoga Springs,   Finance Committee: The committee has not met this
                            NY. You can find the minutes of the meeting on page 25 of   past month, however they continue to review financials
                            this issue.                                  regularly. We recently achieved our income goals for the
                                                                         LS Review Workshop and Fall Webinar Series. As of
                              Conference Committee: The committee met on         th
                            October 11 . They reviewed the latest conference   October 12 , there are currently 177 members who have
                            progress report showing the attendance, exhibitors,   not yet renewed their membership dues. If you haven’t yet
                            sponsors and advertisements to date. They also discussed   renewed, we encourage to do so now so you do not
                            a policy for the availability of vendor showcase programs.   interrupt your membership benefits.
                            They considered ideas for door prizes and reviewed the   Legislative Committee: The committee has not met
                            online conference website and registration brochure.   this past month. You can find the minutes of their
                            Registration is NOW OPEN! You can view the registration   previous meetings on our website. Their next meeting is
                            details in the center insert of this issue or visit https://  scheduled as a conference call on November 1 .
                   The committee’s next   Minimum Technical Standards (MTS) Committee:
                            meeting is scheduled on November 9 .         The committee met on October 11 . The committee
                              DOT Relations Committee: The committee is   reviewed their progress on outreach to regionals. The
                            awaiting meeting availability from the DOT/ROW offices.   committee discussed an article drafted by Jason that is
                            Our counsel and president have both reached out to the   featured on page 16 of this issue. They also reviewed
                            DOT to request a meeting to introduce the committee,   course summaries and outlines drafted by Amber for the
                            our initiatives and inquire if there is potential for   upcoming webinar and conference round table session.
                            NYSAPLS to assist the DOT with access to acquisition   More details for the webinar can be found on page 11.
                            maps. We are hopeful we can set something up soon to   The round table session information can be found on
                            assist our members and the surveying community.   page 14 of the center conference registration insert. The
                              Education Committee: The committee met on   committee is still awaiting SBELSG review of the first draft.
                            September 7 . They reviewed the final 2023 conference   LS PAC Committee: The committee continues to stay
                            education schedule and CE approval progress. They agreed  current on their regular filings with the NYS Board of
                            to offer learning lab sessions on the Tuesday prior to   Elections. If you are interested in making a financial
                            opening day of conference. They reviewed the upcoming   donation, please visit
                            scheduled programming progress to date for webinars,   Membership Committee: The committee’s last
                            review courses and workshops. They discussed the   meeting was held October 3rd. They reviewed the current
                            possibility of offering a Certified Floodplain Certification
                                                                         membership reports and their plans to follow-up with

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