Page 81 - Krugmans Economics for AP Text Book_Neat
P. 81

The Slope of a Nonlinear Curve

             A nonlinear curve is one in which the slope changes as you move along it. Panels (a),
             (b), (c), and (d) of Figure A.4 show various nonlinear curves. Panels (a) and (b) show
             nonlinear curves whose slopes change as you follow the line’s progression, but the
             slopes always remain positive. Although both curves tilt upward, the curve in panel (a)
             gets steeper as the line moves from left to right in contrast to the curve in panel (b),                  Section I  Basic Economic Concepts

                figure  A.4                 Nonlinear Curves

                              (a) Positive Increasing Slope                    (b) Positive Decreasing Slope
                 y                                                y
                45                                               45       Slope = 1  3 2
                                                   Δy = 15
                40                                         D     40                C             Δy = 5
                35         Positive slope    Slope = 15          35   Slope =          Δx = 3
                30         gets steeper.                         30          B
                25                                               25
                                                  B                             Δy = 10     Positive slope
                20               Slope = 2.5          Δx = 1     20                         gets flatter.
                15                                               15
                                     A                Δy = 10
                10                                               10       Δx = 1
                 5                         Δx = 4                 5

                 0   1  2   3  4  5   6  7  8   9  10  11 12  x   0    1  2  3   4  5  6   7  8  9  10  11 12  x

                             (c) Negative Increasing Slope                     (d) Negative Decreasing Slope
                 y                                                y
                45          Δx = 3                               45          Δx = 1
                         A                                                  A
                40                                               40
                                     Δy = –10
                35                              Negative slope   35
                30                  B           gets steeper.    30                 Δy = –20
                       Slope =                                         Slope =                 Negative slope
                25     –3 1 3                                    25    –20                     gets flatter.
                20                          Δx = 1               20               B
                15                                               15
                10                             Δy = –15          10                           Δx = 3
                              Slope = –15                                                  C           Δy = –5
                 5                                                5          Slope = –1 2
                                              D                                     3                 D
                 0   1  2   3  4  5   6  7  8   9  10  11 12  x   0    1  2  3   4  5  6   7  8  9  10  11 12  x

                                                  Δy  10                                  Δy  −20
                    In panel (a) the slope of the curve from A to B is  =  = 2.5,  And in panel (d) the slope from A to B is  =  = −20, and
                                                  Δx  4                                   Δx  1
                                 Δy  15                                    Δy  −5   2
                    and from C to D it is   =   = 15. The slope is positive and in-  from C to D it is   =   = −1 . The slope is negative and de-
                                 Δx  1                                     Δx  3    3
                    creasing; it gets steeper as it moves to the right. In panel (b) the  creasing; it gets flatter as it moves to the right. The slope in each
                                         Δy  10
                    slope of the curve from A to B is   =   = 10, and from C to D it  case has been calculated by using the arc method—that is, by
                                         Δx  1
                     Δy  5   2
                    is   =  = 1 . The slope is positive and decreasing; it gets flatter  drawing a straight line connecting two points along a curve. The
                     Δx  3   3
                    as it moves to the right. In panel (c) the slope from A to B is   average slope between those two points is equal to the slope of
                    Δy  −10   1             Δy  −15
                      =    = −3 , and from C to D it is   =   = −15. The slope  the straight line between those two points.
                    Δx  3     3             Δx   1
                    is negative and increasing; it gets steeper as it moves to the right.

                                                                           appendix     Graphs in Economics      39
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