Page 2 - William Cape Gardens Newsletter Winter 2019_Final
P. 2
From Debb
Winter is here! It is the time for hot chocolate,
thick scarves and bed socks. Flu season is here
again, we ask families and friends to please refrain
from visiting if you have a cough or flu like
symptoms. Please also refrain from visiting if you
have an upset tummy or are feeling nauseous.
Visitors are reminded to wash your hands or use
the hand gel when entering and leaving William
Cape Gardens. While for many of us the flu or
gastro can be a few days of discomfort, for people
who are elderly this can be more serious –
prevention is the best medicine. Our resident, Juliet, pictured with a visiting Australian Shepherd Dog
We invite all our families and friends to join us for
an afternoon of delectable wine and cheese
tasting at William Cape Gardens on Sunday 2 June
2.00pm to 3.30pm. Sit down, relax, discuss and Housekeeping
debate the qualities of each cheese/wine,
separately and together, in search for a perfect
match. Welcome to Winter!
Congratulations to all the winners of our Mother’s You can certainly tell winter is upon us with the cool
Day Raffle: mornings and evenings.
1st Prize Margaret in Elm With warmer clothes coming into the residence I would
2nd Prize Kim (family member) like to remind our residents and their families to make
3rd Prize Sue (staff member) sure all the clothes are industrial washer and dryer
friendly and that they are labelled.
If you have any clothing items that need labelling please
Our next Resident & Relatives meeting will be held
on 11 June in Acacia/Banksia from 10am to 11am. place them in a bag with the resident's name and bring
Everyone is welcome to attend. them to reception so we can organise labelling for you. By
doing this we can ensure that clothes are returned to the
Lastly, just a reminder to all our families, if you correct residents. Unfortunately, we cannot be
have changed your contact details recently please responsible for unlabelled clothing.
advise reception so we can update our records.
We need to keep contact details up to date so we Could I also please remind families that the speed limit
can contact families when needed. within the grounds of William Cape Gardens is 20kph. I
have noted a lot of cars travelling faster than this lately.
Keep warm! Please keep to the speed limit for everyone's safety.
With warm wishes,
Liz McDonald, Residential Services Manager
Debb Hinton, Client Relations Manager