Page 4 - William Cape Gardens Newsletter Winter 2019_Final
P. 4

         Health & Wellbeing

         "A Better Visit" App

         A new App launched by Dementia Australia assists    together as equal players. Engage your co‐player as much
         family members engage with those living with dementia   as possible by demonstrating, gently guiding, encouraging
         and results in a “Better Visit” for everyone.       and turn taking. Find the right activity at the right time.
                                                             There might be games one of you is not interested in or

                                                             days where an activity away from the iPad is preferred.
         “A Better Visit” is a free to download app for iPads   There is no right or wrong way to play, or requirement to
         featuring a range of two‐player games designed to   complete games. Come up with ways that engage both of
         enhance communication and facilitate positive social   you, the main purpose is to have fun together or engage
         interactions between people with dementia and their   in a conversation prompted by the visuals or music. Don’t
         visitors. The app was developed in collaboration by   necessarily insist on playing according to rules and
         Dementia Australia, Lifeview Residential Care and   engage in conversations. Ask one question at a time
         Swinburne University of Technology’s Future Self and   (even if there are several listed). Don’t leave all the
         Design Living Lab. The interactive games were designed in   questions to your co‐player; show initiative and tell some
         a co‐creative process with people living with moderate   stories yourself.
         and advanced dementia and their visitors. Often family
         members struggle to interact and engage with a family   If you are looking to enhance your visits we suggest
         member who no longer recognises them. This application   downloading "A Better Visit" App to use with your loved
         assists with engaging the family members and results in a   one.
         “Better Visit” for everyone. Observations were made of
         families visiting and sitting next to their loved ones,
         struggling to maintain conversation. Through the
         stimulation and interaction that the App prompts, more
         laughter and chatting consequently occurs. It has been
         observed that after the game play, the resident's mood is
         often more upbeat and positive, even after the families
         visiting leave and go home.

         Some Practical Tips on Using the App

         To get the most from the app, it is advised to share the
         experience as much as possible. While you may need to
         explain games and read out questions, try to play
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