Page 3 - William Cape Gardens Newsletter Winter 2019_Final
P. 3
Feature Article & News from Cranbrook Care
William Cape Gardens will undergo a major
refurbishment commencing in July 2019.
With William Cape Gardens celebrating its 10th birthday
last year, we felt it was time to give the residence a bit of Winter is upon us which means shorter
a refresh. The works are going to be quite extensive, days and colder nights. More time is spent
aimed at lightning the residence and creating more open indoors around others and that increases
space for you to enjoy.
our risk of exposure to the flu virus.
The project will include re‐painting the whole residence a
lighter hue of white, installing carpet in most areas, Anyone, even healthy people can get sick with the
refurbished wardrobes, new window curtains, new flu and problems related to flu can happen at any
bathroom vanities and shaving cupboards and changing age, but older people are at a greater risk of
the ceiling lights. We will also be changing our beds to developing serious flu‐related complications if they
king singles with new bed footers, bedheads, bedside get sick. People over the age of 65 and people with
tables and visitor chairs. certain chronic medical conditions like asthma,
diabetes, or heart disease are at even higher risk of
Our lounge and dining areas are going to receive a major developing serious complications from flu because
makeover with new furniture, serveries and a music of weakened immune systems. Most people who
system. The Café and Reception area are also going to get the flu will recover in less than two weeks, but
have some big changes to open up the space to be more some people will develop complications like
welcoming and with more on offer in the Café. We will infections, pneumococcal pneumonia, and even
also be giving the gardens a makeover.
organ failure. Complications can be life‐
threatening resulting in hospitalisations and even
The entire refurbishment is expected to take several
months, but to minimise the impact on everyone, we will death. It is important to stay healthy not just for
be staging the works in small areas. We will be giving you ourselves but for others around us which is why
more information about the works closer to the time, but health officials recommend getting a flu vaccine
for now we are very excited to be undertaking these every year. Because pneumococcal pneumonia is a
major changes and look forward to seeing the results! serious flu‐related complication that can cause
death, health officials also recommend for those
over age 65 to get a pneumococcal vaccine at the
same time. Both the flu vaccine and pneumococcal
vaccine are free to those over the age of 65. Other
ways to help stay healthy this winter and not
spread the flu include:
Washing your hands regularly, especially
before and after visiting people who may be at
high risk.
Cover your mouth when coughing and
Using disposable tissue and throwing them in
the bin immediately after use.
Keeping surfaces like telephones and door
handles clean.
For more information on Cranbrook at Home
please call 02 9458 9950 or email