Page 5 - William Cape Gardens Newsletter Winter 2019_Final
P. 5
Guest Photographer
M e e t M i k l e s h
M a h a r j a n
Meet Miklesh, a Cranbrook Care Accountant and a
talented photographer in his spare time.
Photography to me is much more than processing photographs. A
picture is worth a thousand words; a photograph tells you a story.
Like Elliott Erwitt quotes, "It’s all about finding something interesting
in an ordinary place ‐ it has little to do with the things you see and,
everything to do with the way you see them".
Right after high school, my curiosity in art led to my journey in
photography. It started out with a skill I wanted to explore and today
it has become my medium of expressing thoughts.
The opportunity to work as an Accountant in Cranbook Care has
allowed me to explore different dynamics that Sydney has to offer. It
is important to balance your work life with the things that make you
happy. And photography is what I call my “stress buster”. I travel as
much as I can and I invest my time in portraying a story in a picture.
For me, photography is all about living in the moment. While it may
mean different things to different people, I’m glad that my hobby is
an interactive medium through which I can share my thoughts, ideas
and experiences.