Page 7 - William Cape Gardens Newsletter Winter 2019_Final
P. 7

         Meet our Resident

            Happy Birthday

            We wish the following
            residents a very Happy

            3 June            Elaine

            3 June            Joyce H.
            9 June            Eric

            17 June           Ronald

            24 June           Frances P.

            24 June           Ken                 William Cape Gardens' resident, Stephen Wheeler

            25 June           Frances R.
            27 June           Eva                 Meet Stephen Wheeler
            3 July            Juliet
                                                  Stephen was born in 1944 at Bankstown in Sydney. His father Jack was
            3 July            Roy                 in World War II when Stephen was born. As a child Stephen then lived in
                                                  Dee Why on the Northern Beaches.
            16 July           Bernard
                                                  He left school at the age of 14 and went to work at an electrical cable
            17 July           John M.
                                                  company until he was 24. Stephen went on to try his hand at the
                                                  building trade for a few years and then went to a plastic factory and was
            18 July           Dorothy
                                                  there until he retired. When Stephen retired he moved to Toukley.
                                                  Stephen is the eldest of three. He has two younger sisters, Gail and
            3 August          Susanne
                                                  Shirley. As a child Stephen has fond memories playing with his sisters
            5 August          John C.             and playing with the other children in his neighbourhood building billy
                                                  carts. Stephen also enjoyed taking in stray cats, at one stage he had 12
            8 August          Marilyn             of them! Stephen enjoys listening to Rock'n Roll at William Cape
            13 August         June

            14 August         Julie

            20 August         Ivor
            25 August         Margaret G.

            28 August         Olive
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